Fallen Echoes Part 3

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With a savage gasping howl the skeleton advanced toward Gavlivch muttering and howling in the old forsaking speech of the dragons.
"Brom Uel Drem" Echoed off the bleak and forgotten burrow walls. Then with one final howl the skeleton slashed at him, then with the speed and ease of a veteran, Gavilich's greatsword deflected the blade and then with one more swift maneuver of his sword, he cleaved the abomination from shoulder to hip.
As his heart slowed and he caught his breath, he heard a faint echo deep within the ruin. It's was the very sound all nords and travelers fear, the sound of an iron lid crashing down on the cold stone floor.

Frozen in fear Gavlvich heard it again this time closer and another even closer. The dead where awakening.