The Intrigue of Dragons and Thalmor part 24 - A rest in the city where the wind howls about arcane walls

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    We are liking your "Khajiit speak"
    Love this team!
    1. Caelrya
      • account closed
      • 161 kudos
      So so so true!!!
    2. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      That Khajiit speak is interesting to write, I am very glad you enjoy it ^^
      Thanks a bunch to both of you
  2. greyblood
    • supporter
    • 105 kudos
    I love the contrast change in the images, the cold harsh wintery wilderness then the coziness of the hearth-lit inn and back out to the cold for the adventurers. Surely a daring adventurous group like them can't stay in one place and sit around for too long until they get back to work!

    It's nice that Dagur is so welcoming to them and to meeting two unfamiliar faces and Haran seemed to have work as her first priority concerning the recently swept floors but I'm sure she was happy to see the band of kahjiits and the shield sister. I never really liked Nelacar, unwise of him to get snappy with the sly scout, good to see Akhaz'iir not throwing a fist for the wizards rude comments though, I think Aela would've handled it a bit differently
    I'm glad they had a nice rest at the inn, if anyone deserves it it's these bunch. I'm sure they have much work ahead of them later on.
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      I was thinking the same thing; the cold of the wintery exterior with the warmth of the tavern within was just beautifully done. Couple that with your gorgeous descriptions and it's a winner of a chapter!
      I love the banter and insights of the companions, you really have a very fine band of adventurers here. I've said it before and I'll say it again; no one else writes Khajiit's like ou do hon!
    2. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am happy you two really like the contrast of that biting cold on that windswept shore and that welcoming warm light of that inn that washes over all that enter, that is was beautifully done ^^

      You are right, they are not ones to stay very long in one place, adventure is a strong call for them
      Dagur is certainly welcoming to those few guests that he has, Haran is watchful of the cleanliness of that inn but she is happy to see them despite those words to the scout, she was partly joking with him. Nelacar is an odd and unpleasant sort, he is the type to be unwise with his words, Akhaz'iir did not waste his strength on simple rude words, he is lucky that Aela did not hear his words
      After all the battle of the day a respite was well deserved indeed. Many tasks do lay ahead for them.

      Wonderful to hear you say that the descriptions where gorgeous, that it is such a chapter. I am enjoying writing that banter more and more it seems, they are a group with different insights for sure, I am sure they would thank you for the compliment, their skills do fit well together. I am flattered that I write those Khajiits so well, having written the scouts dialogue for a while it has become a familiar thing

  3. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    I love how your words take us to those places, like feeling the heat of the inn after the long walk though the mountains, the mournful howl of the wind as they entered Winterhold, the feeling of really just wanting to relax if only for one night before they are off to see the arrogant mages, you have a wonderful way with words. Great Chapter, I do wonder will they find what they seek or just another fingers pointing to again parts unknown in their journey. How Akhaz'iir is drawn to Ranmir and his trouble, will he go and do what he can to help or will he decide to wait, guess we will have to wait and see what happens next.

    Lovely story your chars are so interesting and so well rounded.!!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Makes me smile that the words transport you into the warm hall of inn, among that cold wind, that those feelings of the weary bunch that they were that night were reflected, always a wonderful thing to hear for a writer, I am glad you enjoyed it, seems finding things in the realm of Skyrim is never a straightforward task We will have to see where his path takes him, perhaps it will return to those golden forests, we will see indeed ^^

      Thank you very much, Heaven, I am very glad I made them interesting and well rounded
  4. Kalilies
    • premium
    • 1,487 kudos
    The way you can play with words is really beautiful, is manages to astonish me everytime <3
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I have always enjoyed playing with words, I guess that is one pushes me to come up with those different poetic descriptions, really means a lot to me that it astonishes you every time <3
  5. RONALD15
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Great story my friend this is getting better and better great job
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Have had a lot of installments of his tale to refine it, thanks a lot once again
  6. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    Wonderful chapter again, my friend! How good it always must be to warm their wary feets and cold bodies by the heated fire at the Inn after wandering through thick snow. Ofcourse Dagur got happy to see two more faces of Dar'Akshara and Ma'Kriiva walking in his Tavern for the rest before heading to the Collage.. and i really liked Aela's expression first image below the main pic.. her grin hehe. Also wonder what it'll lead to getting the info about the Thief stealing that sad man's wife. If Ak'haziir decides to head towards Riften and seek answers later on.. future will tell and i hope so so that sad man will get his peace of a question spinning around his mind unanswered drinking his sorrows away. Greatly told as usual, the details and explaination - well done!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much, my friend ^_^ It is indeed a pleasant thing to warm up by a fire after trudging through all that snow and ice, soothing their sore muscles after that hard day. With the little people that actually brave the winds to reach the inn, four guests are something to smile about, Hehe, I did like her grin too, it was what inspired that little joke the scout told With how much he likes mysteries, he wanted to find out what was bothering the man. With his curiosity he might make a trek to Riften but only time will tell.. on does hope he gets the answers to the questions pulling at him. You know how much Iike writing those details, thanks again
  7. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Once again, wonderful new chapter, very beautifully written! For me this chapter was very heartwarming like heartfire, gorgeous descriptions of nature, the heroes who look more relaxed and have found a moment of peace in the inn, while the past memories had risen about how Akhaz'iir had helped the innkeeper with Ranmir or his brief moment with ever cranky and gloomy Nelecar... I think it maybe just a moment of calm before more intense adventures, especially since the Scroll they are looking for is not at the college only they don't know it yet.
    Wonderful shots too, love the posing, expression and perspective. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      After all that battle with dragon, icy wraiths and the claws of the cold air adn the sight of the grim camp they certainly needed that warmth and that time to rest their weary bodies and minds, with the sights of that land of jagged stone and ice and the falling snow, was quite the place to try to describe. Those moments of peace do seem to bring up memories in a place one has passed before, seeing what happened after he helped Dagur, that Nelacar is almost comically sour about the scout. I am sure you are right that adventure will follow their time in the college for the mysterious scrolls are elusive ^^
      Always try to vary those perspectives, they are an expressive group. Thank you for sharing you insight, Nataly
  8. schmoops9
    • premium
    • 208 kudos
    i need to do a serious catching up with your stories (shame on me), but i'm on it!
    the way you play with words is simply beautiful. and my favorite kitten in the world is so charming, loved his arrogant response to nelacar. and the images are lovely too. well done once again, my dear friend <3
    oh, and here - *hugs and gives cookies* cause we all love hugs and cookies, right?
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I hope you enjoy reading those tales while catching up I am very happy you find that play on words I really enjoy to be beautiful. He can be a charmer at times, Nelacar deserved that one for his ridiculous anger at him ^^ Was a bit of a challenge to pick the shots as I had a tad too many, got a little carried away when I took the shots. Thanks a bunch my dear friend <3
      We do indeed all love hugs and cookies - *hugs and shares the cookies with Iri*