Beyond Hope

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  1. BlakkPhoenixx
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    @Elta1: Let's hope this never happens in real life.

    @zzjay: Well, I guess it's too late for him to love you too. Thanks for your support.

    @Gerandirr: It's still better to be a loot-a-holic than an alcoholic, eh?
  2. Gerandirr
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    You'll know when you're a loot-a-holic when :
    -Your first thought about a cript is not ''Ugh undead creatures...'' but all the coins you'll be taking from those urns.
    -You see a dragon and you won't flee because it has all those awesome dragon bones and scales.
    -You run around like a lunatic along roads and swaps collecting everything that looks like a plant/bug/fish.
    I know I am. lol
  3. zzjay
    • premium
    • 2,784 kudos
    i love it
  4. Elta1
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I saw the title and your pic and thought.......

    "Person 1: We have the technology, we can re-build him.
    Person 2: I think you mean necromancy?
    Person 1: Mwhaa haaaaaa!"