Bethesda Gets an F-

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  1. blackboy2
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Whats the problem?
  2. Mr. Dave
    Mr. Dave
    • premium
    • 511 kudos
    Wow, look at all the QQing from the fanbois. Typical. So we aren't supposed to be upset at poor quality from PAID content? Don't wear out your knee pads.

    x09, Your fanboi attitude is offensive. So do you tell victims of defective Toyota cars that they should quit bitching and be appreciative? It's the same thing dude. A defective product is a defective product. Period. Stop defending apathetic mediocrity. It just makes you look like a fool.

    charlescrowe, Where in hell are you getting 2 months from for a DLC that came out on Feb 5th? 2 DAYS, not months. It's been out for a very long time on the consoles though. I didn't want to spoil the quests by reading reviews. Same reason I don't buy strategy guides. Takes all the fun out of it. But, since everything has to be catered to the console kiddie crowd, with all the hand holding, I am not surprised that yours is the mainstream attitude anymore. Too many kiddies need hand holding through every step. Sad.

    Jack8623, I spent many hours testing it, including turning off all other mods. Parroting the same old, tired dogma of "it's the mods you're using" just makes you look like a lackey, man. The bugs were there even with nothing else running. If it were mods causing the issues, why would all of the same problems be reported by countless console users?

    Here are a few of the bugs I encountered so far that were completely game breaking:
    Cultists initiating dialogue, then leaving instead of attacking. No note to read to get quest.
    Boat captain failing to continue dialogue. Could not continue quest.
    Black permanent load screens upon reaching Solsthiem. Had to CTRL ALT DEL to shut down non responsive game.
    NPCs failing to carry out dialogue options. Could not continue conversations. This happened with several of them who were quest givers and was random in who it would effect per load.
    Sitting while the dragon flew away.
    Dragons not letting antagonist absorb souls.
    Antagonist lying down in a permanent state of "this person is busy" after taking damage instead of H.M. doing his thing.
  3. charlescrowe
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    DLC's been out for 2 months already. maybe should have read some reviews?
  4. Jack8623
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Amen x09
    What most fail to understand is that 90 percent of problems seen are simply caused by mods and load order. I will swear to the day I die that BOSS is also causing more problems than good. I have had BOSS do crazy crap to my load order with even a few mainstream mods installed. I've been testing dragonborn on a fresh install with no mods and a new game with absolutly not one problem encountered.
  5. x09
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Why don't you quit bitching and enjoy the game. Bethesda put a lot of work into this, and its very appreciated. Gives off the perfect Morrowind feel. I don't intend to offend you, just show a little respect for the developers.