By the Light of the Crimson Moon

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Beast awoke in the rubble of Helgen quiet disorientated with the stanch of blood and burning flesh filling his senses. The once proud frontier township of Helgen had been reduced to a smoky skeleton of its once glory. The great tower was nothing but a pile of smoldering rocks upon the scorched and blacked earth.
In fearful awe of such wanton destruction Beast left the depressing foundations quickly and made for the closest town of Riverwood.
The day was warm and smoke filled the skies with haze bringing with it an ominous feel. He made Riverwood in good time and learnt that he had not been the only survivor. A young half-elf-half-Nord and a Stormcloak soldier came through not two days prior with grim tidings of a Dragon attack. The locals ask for conformation of this from him, but he took his leave quickly and did not answer their questions, for the Jarl of Whiterun had to be informed.
It was dark by the time he made it to Whiterun and the crimson moon was drifting around the tops of the Throat of the World. There was no point in trying to receive and audience with the Jarl until morning had come, so he went to the tavern for a drink and ended up talking to an attractive Redgard woman called Saadia.
The maid bore a delicate scar on her cheek but it did nothing to detract from her beauty, and in fact added to the intrigue and his attraction. She told him her tale and how there were Redgard warriors looking find her, and kill her. They were mercenaries from her homeland and were trying to enforce and unjust law that had forced her to run in the first place.
Beast did not need to hear any more and he set out at once to put an end to the poor woman's troubles and track down this Kematu and kill him.