Noldorian Lifeguard Cuirass - UPDATE

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  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Beautiful shot and great news, this update looks awesome!
  2. Lordarion76
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Beautiful picture! Very nice armor and gorgeous looking character! Just amazing work, armor and picture!!!
  3. ramakgaming
    • premium
    • 41 kudos

    By the way, the Gauntlet meshes from Knight Armor - Ebony Armor Edit go very well with this, making them not so bulky. Especially for male since they are ridiculous on males (vanilla mesh is ridiculous).

    Also, is the boot mesh you have there from the Ancient Falmer armor, the white one from Dawnguard? They look like it. They don't need a mesh edit, just the gauntlets. I use the mod I linked above and it looks great on Ebony, but not sure how to make it work on this since it's standalone.

    One more thing. Can I suggest that you provide an option that is a little bit banged up, and a little bit dirty - maybe even a version without the white chest area part for male, so it won't look like the male has a white chest baring through it? It would make it feel more lore-friendly to me. I use the UNP version cause I use LFF Lore-Friendly Female body mod which requires UNP, along with Nuska's face.

    If you could, you might even be able to make a helmet that matches, by using the Imperial Helmet mesh maybe? Like this one: Imperial Helmet

    I remember looking at the original images from the movie for Noldor Armor, and some of them had a helmet on similar to the Imperial Helmet, but with thinner piece on the top - not sure how to edit meshes, but that might be the only way to get a helmet as close as possible. But for now Imperial Helmet is probably what you could use since you don't do Meshes.