Give a dog a bone

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With that arrow, the beast came crashing down into a clearing up the hill, roaring and writhing in fury and pain. Zephyr dashed out of his cover, notching back another arrow, prepared to finish the job, and noticed a furry blur at the corner of his vision as he crested the hill.

Oh dear, Zephyr thought, and I just met the guy.

He refocused his attention on the rather more critical matter at hand- a very angry blood dragon spewing elements in the Argonian's direction. He loosed another arrow and made for cover behind a nearby rock, when he saw it as clear as the situation would allow- scruffy old Meeko, bolting fearlessly and foolishly towards the dragon's hide. The dog took a full blast of flames, his fur catching, but kept on barking and biting. Zephyr continued unloading arrows into the side of the monster when it grabbed Meeko in its jaws and flung him with all his might.

Zephyr was horrified. "NO!" he shouted, as one last arrow finished the fight. He ran forward to the dog, fearing the worst, even as the dragon's body ignited, its soul pouring into the Dovahkiin. But sure enough, Meeko walked happily up, its fur singed but otherwise little worse for wear, and sat down with a happy yap, looking expectantly towards Zephyr and the now-skeletal remains of the blood drake.

First the horse, now the dog, thought Zephyr, reminiscing about how Balthazar had planted his hooves in dragon hide so many fights ago. Who needs the Blades with friends like these?

Based on a true story! Just found Meeko today, and on my way from Solitude to Whiterun, he proved his mettle. Lil' bugger was really just after the best pile of bones a dog could imagine. Sure, mammoths and giants have big ones, too, but you just can't beat quality dragon bone, can ya?

PS: I'm back! After a long time away from the Nexus, I have at last claimed a copy of Skyrim, and am back to my old modding and screenshotting. Still goin' thru the main story for the first time, so only a few mods here for my obligatory Argonian playthru (cuz the Dragonborn should LOOK like a dragon :P). Laptop screen kinda limits my resolution still, but I'm rather impressed with how good this game looks and runs.

Mods visible:
Argonian Raptor Feet-
BAT- Bigger Argonian Tails-