Call of the North Revisted Bear helms old or new or both

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I've been putting a lot of love into the wolf helms I figured it was time I put a bit more into the bear helms and I wanted to ask public opinion on this.

I've created 3 new meshes of the bear helms so they now use the iron helmet the heavy wolf helms used instead of that draugr helmet which is awfully low textured and doesn't look right.

Now my question is which one do you all prefer? The old draugr style helmets or the new ones that use the iron helmet? Or would you like to see both sets?

I know some of you are thinking that the new mesh using the iron helm looks like Companion Valfar's helmet. I can guarantee to you it is not. The new mesh is made from everything that was already in the Call of the North Meshes.

1 comment

  1. Jupitus
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    • 89 kudos
    I tried the old one on my Sonja character but the poor textures killed it for me, the new one looks great on the textures, would look forward to trying it.