So long old man

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"Nothing personal..."

The mace secured, Lucila left the building satisfied that Molag Bal would be very pleased with her in the near future.

"'s just my way."

1 comment

  1. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Is this that certain house in Markarth with the guy in front asking irritating questions about the place?
    Well, he won't be bothering everyone with those annoying questions anymore....peace and quiet.
    I always felt like telling him: "Aarrgh! Go inside, and find out, search, investigate, whatever....for yourself, instead of annoying everyone with your stupid questions!"

    You know....maybe he was a coward, looking for some convenient battle-fodder (Dovakiin) to accompany him in case of which case: yeah, it would be a bit "personal", but not for long....
    Endorsed, for the peace and quiet.
    Thanks and cheers for this, Dante!