Dangerous Skyrim - What are your rules

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All followers must be nonessential! If one gets killed, I can resurrect, but follower must leave to recuperate for 2 game months ( I save screenshot to mark date). 3 times killed and follower must be retired or left dead. A healer is ok, but held to same rules. I'm not using a healer right now, but killable followers can self-recover when injured, to me much more realistic, without the constant hassle of me having to heal injured.
skyrim.ini [General]
bHealthRegenFromRacePlayerOnly=0 -----nonessential NPC's slowly recover..doesn't work for animals (?)
Expert difficulty
MODS- Warzones (lite spawn w/creatures) Immersive Patrols (all variants) Skyrim Live- Better bandits*- enhanced crossbows (imperials and guards have some crossbows)- KINGDOM OF FORSWORN* Elys uncapper- AP-UFO-Unlimited Followers..and more. 3 to 4 followers...less or more (or none) depending on quest.