Beauty of Skyrim - Ivarstead

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True story: After spending about half an hour going from Whiterun to Ivarstead, I got lost. I followed the signs, but they seemed to keep leading me further and further away (and having been there before, I knew there was a more direct route that I must have missed), so I turned around and tried another path.
Well, it seems I picked the wrong path once again. And again. Eventually I just turned off the roads and went through the trees, found a log laying across a large chasm a waterfall fell into, tripped over the bandit sitting on said log (he fell off...mostly my fault), found yet another path, stumbled across a troll chasing a poor little fox, and then I realised I had found the way I wanted to go all along. =D
Reached Ivarstead, and as it was coming close to sunset, went for a little swim and decided to grab a screenshot.

Total time taken: Over an hour. And I forgot where I parked my horse.

WATER v1.5d
Climates of Tamriel v2.1
Skyrim Flora Overhaul v1.5a
Project ENB v1.1