Smile for Me

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First attempt at photo-manipulation, mostly with some color enhancement and some settings to develop contrast while keeping the feel of "enhancing" the ENB.

This is the second attempt at this screen cap, mainly due to the rather weak first attempt that pretty much made everything blurry as hell. At least in this version you can see her eyes.

This is my current character Miaren Tharys, a Dunmer Spellsword with a hunger for knowledge, a burning drive to achieve, and an insatiable wanderlust. However, she has come to the conclusion that love and acceptance comes through performance and has never developed a "true self". While many are charmed by her drive and image, many are turned off or outright resent her “get things done” attitude”.

The ENB is Seasons of Skyrim and a combination of the Hunter Vampire armor from the Dread Hunter and Huntress mod combined with the meshes from Ethereal Elven Overhaul, hair from Apachii Sky Hair, and Navestea's CBBE v3 textures. The original image can be provided, though you'll notice this version is sharper and gives more of the feeling of being out near Riverwood near noon.