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Killing bandits took a lot of me especially since they seemed to travel in packs and I was more of a magic user than sword swinging barbarian. Still, that didn't mean I was helpless. I had creatures from beyond the veil to call and battle alongside me. My favorite was a creature of fire and brimstone who could set my enemies on fire and can handle a few sword strikes. the battle was shot lived which was more my style. I wouldn't last very long in a very prolonged fight. My magical levels would wane and a dagger wasn't very effective against a greatsword. Nor would I have the ability to sustain my summons in this world for very long.

I didn't have a chance to study the archways like I wanted as the cold began to seep into my bones and make me shiver. I'd read about hypothermia in one of my books. It didn't seemed like a fun thing to do or a fun way to die. My cloak though providing some warmth wasn't going to completely protect me against the cold. My best bet was to hope the bandits had camps inside the barrow. Inside the barrow I had only two witless bandits to kill and a nice warm fire with my name on it and a treasure chest that begged to be looted.

I'll admit I nearly fell asleep with the warmth of the fire surrounding me. I reveled in it much more used to the heat than I was to the cold. But I had a quest to complete, gold to collect and supplies to buy. I can't waste too much time here. I had an entire barrow to explore and study and more bandits to kill and loot all for the sake of a golden claw.

I think I got the short end of the stick this time around.

Mods used:
Puppeteer Master:
theRoadstrokers Rogue Sorceress Outfit:
Skyrim Visual Immersion III:

I love this shot. I like the colors and the way they play off Raquel and with the puppeteer master mod I enjoyed posing this shot very much.