
Ladies and gentledudes, welcome to an official introduction to my current WIP.

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Perkus Maximus, aka "TNBT", aka "TNMT" (thanks Enai) is the successor to SkyRe. Not to the current SkyRe, but to the original "SkyRe".


History time.

As the old ones among you know, Skyrim Redone started off as "T3nd0's Perk Overhaul", a mod focused on... well perks, and I started off as an ambitious beginner modder. No skill, but tons of ideas.

That's not necessarily a good combination of traits, and thus I ended up doing too much, with varying degrees of quality - races (not too shabby I guess), standng stones (meh), lightning(!)(well, there's no lightning stuff in SkyRe anymore... guess why), and so on. All in one monolithic file.

With a sort of great collapse and DLC, modularity breached into the lands of SkyRe, and created the "Skyrim Redone" known today. Has s few dents and a little duct tape in a few places, but works overall and is well recieved.

SkyRe is finished. Now, I shall talk about why I decided to do another big mod that will not work with (read: cannibalize) SkyRe.


Obvious truth: Modders gonna mod. Once you smell blood, you can't just stop.

While Skyrim modding blood tastes delicious, I feel like I've reached a dead end with SkyRe. It's not only huge, but also old. When I started working on it, I was a beginner with zero experience in modding Bethesda games. Unfortunately that shows, and there are quite a few things I'd do differently with the experience I have now. Since some of those things require a very different approach and would force me to rework the very foundation of SkyRe, I decided a new mod is a fresh and better choice.


So, what's different between SkyRe and Perkus Maximus?

I'll keep the more specific information for later (facebook spam), but here are a few basics:

Quick summary: PerMa is a more focused, streamlined, structurally superior SkyRe-Main/Combat done by someone who actually knows what he's doing, at least to some extent, and who has all the experience of creating and maintaining SkyRe.

SkyRe didn't like passive boost perks ("20% moar armor durr") much, but still relied on them as perk sinks. Remember how some perks had 10 ranks at some point? Outrageous! :O
PerMa (woah, sounds catchy) likes that stuff even less. The highest perk rank is 3; a lot of perks only carry a single rank, and quite a few get additional effects with higher ranks - instead of simple magnitude boosts.

SkyRe has a sh*tton more perks than vanilla.
PerMa has less possible perks to invest in than SkyRe, but still a hell lot more than vanilla. Perk effects are streamlined; each perk counts for more. The boring stuff (critical damage scaling, regular damage scaling etc.) is mostly tied to skill levels, not perks.

SkyRe was generally more complex than vanilla Skyrim.
PerMa ist just as, if not more, complex, and has more unique ideas built in than SkyRe.

SkyRe is focused on gameplay.
PerMa is focused on gameplay as well, but quite a bit stronger in the roleplaying department. And I included more love for detail, such as custom textures and spell graphics when appropriate.

SkyRe is designed with a skill level of 150 in mind, and with additional perk points to spend, compared to vanilla Skyrim. Weak start, development feels fast, still takes a while to become strong.
PerMa is built around skill level 100 (no uncapper required) and vanilla perk rate. Only very specific perks require skill level 100 though.

SkyRe covers perks, combat, standing stones, racial abilities, encounter zones, enemy scaling, AI, and all the small and large things related to those topics.
PerMa covers perks and combat.

SkyRe has a module for everything mentioned above, with the perk module being a monster of a mod by itself.
PerMa has three "functional" modules; each covers a group of perk trees and the stuff related to that group of trees. The whole architecture is more sophisticated and radically different from SkyRe.

SkyRe uses a patcher to ensure compatibility with certain groups of mods.
PerMa uses a patcher as well, though the PerMa patcher (I called it "Patchus Maximus") is more stable, powerful, and configurable. PaMa (so much catchy, AGAIN!) is more vital for PerMa than the ReProccer is for SkyRe.



Q: When will it be done? What can I do to help you?

A: Overall, I'd say progress is at 50%. If you want to help... well, the thing that's most difficult to preserve is motivation. Follow Perkus Maximus on facebook and leave a comment, spread the word and the love. Also, send me pictures of your hot cousin.

In case you have some useful skill to offer (advanced Papyrus scripting, computer art stuff, whatever you come up with) and feel like helping, send me a message - either on the nexus or on failbook.

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  1. obdown666
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Perk trees, no matter how interesting, result in the ability to build jack-of-all-trades chars. That is skyrim all over (and still pretty fun...).
    A unique approach I have considered is based on a galactiv civ design, which is going deep into a much smaller number of much larger perk trees (horizontal in the game) with deep progression such that you cannot afford to simply step sideways and pick up another focus. That means much greater NPC specializations, and the absolute need for small parties and the associated inter-party support mechanics. I wish I had your skills. If I did, I would develop a mod with 3 primary, very deep trees, and the need to seek and maintain parties of 3 (i.e. figher, mage, thief). Each class would have 2, possibly 3 offshoot variants for additional specialization decisions (e.g. 1H/2H/dual, thief/assassin/bard, mage/cleric/druid), for the ultimate, unique and replayable tactical strategy game under Skyrim. You could use a modified WTF and ASIS as key mods to drive the additional challenge offered by party of 3.
    1. unknownaccountname
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      I know I'm like 2 years late on this..(Doing some serious creeping on comments.) But why is this still not a thing?!? I got excited just reading this. That would be so beautiful, though you would need a pretty good AI overhaul to go along with a party system. I have zero knowledge of modding. I attempted to watch just some basic tutorials and I swear they were speaking Latin. Anyways, maybe one day things like this will be more reality. Like a multiplayer without all the edgy 13 year olds...
  2. DaedricDrummer
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    While I love PerMa for the time I've been playing it, I really miss all the amount of perks, and I kinda miss the weapon type perks (like Scimitar perks, Shortspear perks and so on), I really like playing with archetypes and I had a lot of fun making whole new saves for using an specific set of weapons.

    I will prolly play on two instances of Skyrim, one with PerMa and other with SkyRe
  3. Normal69
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    • 0 kudos
    Nice to read you!
    I came here by this video:
    I must say SkyRe is the base of my modpack today (just 107 mods together), and I am very happy with it.
    It's fill the promise of being a total conversion.
    I am looking forward to Perkus Maximus too, but I can't promise I will stop using SkyRe.
    If I may simulate a reporter, may I ask:
    Why are you feeling a modular mod like SkyRe is not good enough?
    So what are the reasons dropping all moddable possibilities except perks and combat?
    How can people see or read sneak peeks about PerMa?
    How can be of your help testing it?
    Can you share some baseline ideas alongside you plan and do the mod?
    Can the end result gameplay in Skyrim PerMa be compared to any existing computer game around?
    M'kay, my check-in is complete, I go now over FB and previous pages of this forum.
    (Oh dear, it's working now )
    Have a nice armageddon!
  4. christopherp985
    • member
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    I'm hoping the Restoration tree makes me more "holy knight" or "cleric" than "spiders explode from corpse".
    1. Danielpe7
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      lol that spiders explode from the corpse spell was so OP at early levels (and it was a novice spell)
  5. alibeybal
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    Can you please make potions work like they do in witcher series. A toxicity system would balance every potion related problem imo.
           ----And can i use other SkyRe modules with PerMa? I really want to use races module.
    ----And there is a guy called skallagrim he knows a lot about weapon pros and cons , physics and all that stuff it could be good aspect to add in to the game
    1. ShadowkingD
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      there is already a mod that adds toxicity
    2. Slaunyeh
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      And the mod is called?
    3. 320luca
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      Catching the Dragon
    4. Danielpe7
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I'm pretty sure its chasing the dragon not catching the dragon
  6. ShadowkingD
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    im doing a mega lets play and this is the keystone to the pack so i hope you are going to be done soon
  7. skyrimlover9000
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    is there an official release date on this? cause i kinda hate skyre because of sh*tton perks and the contract of the pyromancy cryomancy and electromancy..... and having the uncapper might be too godly for me and yeah this mod is great for what ive read but do you have and official release date?
    oh and one more thing release it as long as you want as long as theres no freaking bugs because upgrading every now and then is kinda annoying
    oh and im kinda curious about the spell mods and the race modules you used in skyre what were their real names???? cause thats the only feature i want to use for my skyrim
  8. sidewaysfcs07
    • member
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    here's an idea

    Perk Tomes!!!!

    i'm sick of games forcing me to click buttons to learn abilities, i want to find/buy/steal books that i ca read to learn new stuff, although i think some perks should be teachable by NPC's instead (like silent roll), or both....heck some perks should be quest rewards (like shadow warrior, that should be a quest reward only master thieves get, since it's a magical ability)

    same goes for crafting, either trained by NPC's or via Tomes

    also, when i say "train" i don't mean vanilla training where you spend 300 gold and BAM you gain skill, i mean the NPC should actually show you in real time how to do an ability, for example for training one-handed skill, you should brawl with the trainer NPC until you gain the skill .

    1. AbathasTheLich
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    2. AFinalDate
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I second this on a level you can't even imagine.
    3. Mavkiel
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      *shrugs* Tomes are easy enough, basically even a novice modder can do that. It'd be a simple add-on to make. Using a npc to train a skill, is a tad more complicated I'd imagine, but possible. There are already companions that allow you to practice dueling them. However, I'd be more nervous about this option, as it'd require scripting to pull off right. (Skyrim isnt exactly script friendly)

      So basically my two cents is to just let someone else make those options if they want to

      On another note, any chance at a beta release coming to nexus?
  9. Smilleyzaa
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    I was just thinking for a second, and I got an idea for a possible feature, if you or anybody would like to hear it. I haven't found a mod for this that still works, so I have no idea how possible this really is. But anyways, I was thinking a cool feature would be the ability to jump (whilst sprinting) for a small jump boost. Just thought I'd share, since it sounds like something that could even be made into a perk or ability.
    1. AFinalDate
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You need something like Sprint and Jump with MCM. (
  10. mcdraken
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    So... can i play or what?