
It's been a long time since the last update. Many of you may have been wondering where I've been and what happened to all the plans I once had.

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Basically this.

A lot of things happened in my life. Between university, career, health issues and my other hobbies, I kinda lost interest in Skyrim. Modding became for me a constant source of unsatisfying frustration and a bottomless time sink I could not afford to stay committed to. So I ended up putting the development of this mod on indefinite hold.

But not so long ago I was visited by a magical fairy! It kicked my shin, slapped me across the face and told me to get my lazy butt back to work. Ouchies.

So here I am. I have reinstalled Skyrim, compiled a new development plan and I'm slowly relearning everything I've forgotten.

It may take me a while to get back into the swing of things but I won't be going in without a direction. No ETA on any of these things but here's a sneak peek of what you can expect to see in the coming months:

Development Plans for Vampiric Thirst 3.0

  • Often requested SkyUI widgets to track hunger (optional)
  • Changes to NPC handling (removal of performance affecting cloak spells, disassociation of blood and health, potentially complete migration of actor values to PapyrusUtils if I can figure it out)
  • Overall reduction of papyrus load (fewer scripts, replacing some redundant mechanics with more organic methods)
  • Rework of balance and abilities (new design philosophy will revolve around cutting down on the number and utility of toggleable and damaging abilities and shift focus towards promoting active powers, differentiating the functionality of all powers from standard spells and replacing direct damage/buffs/debuffs with various means of crowd control and subtler interaction with NPCs)
  • Restructuring the mod for Mod Organiser compatibility (I am now working in a MO environment which makes my workflow a lot more efficient and I'm hoping that this will make the mod easier to install for the average user, as well as reduce their ability to create installation-related issues)
  • More in-game information and feedback (adding an MCM tab that will contain comprehensive information on the status of all aspects of player's vampirism)
  • Reworked compatibility with Requiem (with the changes to abilities you can expect both player and NPC vampires to lose a lot of their passive toughness. Obnoxious health regeneration will be removed and other health and stamina bonuses brought down. However their weakness to fire will be lowered to compensate and offensive capabilities will be enhanced)
  • Reducing complexity of some mechanics (the hunger system and feeding will be optimised and simplified to limit the mod's implosive tendencies. At the same time I'm hoping to make those mechanics behave in more intuitive and transparent ways to reduce player confusion)
  • And most important of all: bugfixes (all of the above will hopefully improve the mod's stability, both in terms of performance as well as internal workings. All instances of things randomly going out of whack should be easier to address with the simplified mechanics)

So that's what you can look forward to. It is going ot be a lot of work but hopefully once I've started simplifying the framework Vampiric Thirst will become a less frustrating mod to develop and debug.


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