
Detailed Information: Signature Arms

Signature Arms Perks
Signature Arms
Gain the ability to mark and upgrade signature weapons
You are limited to 9 marks, one for each weapon type
Arcane Weapon Forge
Gain a second weapon upgrade slot
Gain the ability to craft random unidentified weapons with ingots and leather
Cutting Edge
Can craft critical weapon upgrades, that apply magical effects when you critically hit
Limit 1 critical weapon upgrade per weapon
Gain a third and final weapon upgrade slot
Signature Armors
Gain the ability to mark and upgrade signature armors
You are limited to 10 marks, one for each armor slot and armor type
Arcane Armor Forge
Gain the ability to salvage weapons and armor for materials and books for rolls of paper
Gain the ability to craft random unidentified armors with ingots and leather
Signature Arts
Gain the ability to craft ability armor upgrades
Ability armor upgrades provide a hotkey ability corresponding to your armor slot and type
Limit 1 ability upgrade per armor
Gain a third weapon upgrade slot
Blade Oils
Gain the ability to craft blade oils
Blade oils provide a damage multiplier against certain enemy types
Blade oils do not consume any weapon slots, encouraging you to swap them out periodically
Blade oils are not poison, they do not expire
Signature Jewelry Forge
Gain all vanilla crafting perks scaled to smithing level
Gain the ability to craft random unidentified jewelry and robes from gems, gold ingots, and silver ingots.

How to upgrade
Step 1: Acquire either the signature arms or armor perk
Step 2: This will put an "Engrave" spell into your power list
Step 3: Cast engrave on a weapon or armor to mark it
Step 4: Craft an upgrade kit at a forge
Step 5: Use the upgrade kit from your inventory, then exit the inventory to bring up the upgrade crafting menu.
Step 6: Craft an upgrade schematic
Step 7: Equip the upgrade, then "cast" it on your signature weapon or armor to apply the upgrade
Step 8: There is a reset schematic available to undo upgrades, but it will undo ALL upgrades

Finding More Upgrades
Step 1: Use the loot injector in the MCM menu to inject upgrade manuals into loot lists
This process is identical to the one in Enchanted Loot. See the Detailed Information: Enchanted Loot article for more details on loot injection in general
Step 2: Find an upgrade manual
Step 3: Read the upgrade manual
Step 4: You can find your new upgrade from the upgrade schematic crafting menu

Using Ability Hotkeys
You assign a single ability hotkey via MCM menu, this hotkey controls ALL your abilities simultaneously
Holding different arrow keys uses different abilities (think smash bros)
Back + Key = Helmet Ability
Forward + Key = Gauntlet Ability
Alt + Key = Boots Ability
Blocking + Key = Shield Ability
None of the above + Key = Cuirass Ability
Side + Key currently unused, but left in the MCM menu in case of future content

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