The Ningheim Race - Emil and Jared

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  1. peregrine111
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    females looks amazing! Finally some eyes that look like eyes and not a failed anime (-.-) turned into 3D
    Males look kinda glossy though, dunno if it's just because of lightning or their textures are that glossy, but they sure look like they have oiled faces

    btw will those hairstyles be released with the race as well? I haven't seen them in any mod so far
    1. Seren4XX
      • supporter
      • 371 kudos

      With this mod you'll be able to make a variety of characters. I hope to see a lot of more realistic ones though.
      I'm looking into the male glossiness as we speak. It's all fine-tuning now.

      The hair styles you see on these men will be included with the race. Every follower has a unique hair style.
  2. Benhesitation
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Yay! This week! We've all been waiting so long!
  3. hitmaqn78
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    Looks really great! Amazing work!
  4. Malcom86
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    This week will be a great week, if you can release this mod !!!!!
  5. Aelthas
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    This look promising and the team of pros working with you only increases my anxiety!