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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Hugh Sushiman

Uploaded by

Hugh Sushiman

Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

This mod will enable the user to view their dead or \"ragdolled\" body after death.

Permissions and credits
This mod will enable the user to view their dead or "ragdolled" body after death.
It does this by delaying the time it takes for the "Load Game Screen" to appear
after the player dies. Its ideal for throwing yourself off of cliffs or buildings,
Dive Rock being a prime example :). The spell that comes with the mod will kill you,
which you obviously need to do in order to see your dead body. You can kill
yourself in any means necessary in order to activate the mod, you do not have to use
the spell. It is a good idea to have a save before you die so that you don't
realise after you have died that your last save was a long time before you killed
yourself. To load your game after death you can press the "Quickload" button or you could press escape and select "Load" from the menu that appears.

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