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About this mod

Adds the famous Fierce Deitys sword to Colovian Traders in Skingrad.

Permissions and credits
NOTE: This is version 0.2

This Modification for TES IV Oblivion add the famous fierce Deitys Sword for sale at Colovian Traders in Skingrad. The price is around 40K (This is very cheap if you know how much the Skingrad house and furnishings cost).

This version adds many more fixes to the blade. Thanks to Mr.Dave I was able to Update these things:

1. The blade now has havok.
2. The blade now has a textured inventory view.
3. The blade now has an icon.
4. The blade now has a glow map. (It glows for those who don’t know what a glow map is.)


KorinHarford: For the original mesh.
Mr.Dave: For the changes above.
Karmúl: For making a pretty Installer and typing up all of this, plus for the management of such an excellent team!

Future: Possibly adding a maze to get to said blade...