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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Godzillapuff
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    OMG... is this crap happening again!? It seems like the Anti-Skin NAZI's have to dust themselves off every so often so they can make themselves feel better about themselves. For the millionth time... Oblivion is rated "Mature", for the linguistically challenged (you know who you are) that means "Adult". Kids under 18 shouldn't even be playing the game let alone be allowed to join the TES Nexus website. How about instead of punishing us Adults, you guys (you still know who you are) re-think the security of this website and let the Adults make their own choices.

    Nice shot BTW...
    1. deleted40706865
      • account closed
      • 15 kudos
      Well said.
  2. Mithanas
    • member
    • 73 kudos
    I still don't know why they say that. I can't say this with security, but the imageshare has been always like that, isn't it? And now there aren't any revealing shots on the imageshare as everyone else said before me. I'm just going to say that nudity can be beautiful, a lot of artists paint the nude body for example. The problem starts when is more important the nudity than the art, and that is what happens in Hentai. And here, nudity doesn't matter at all. It's just art. Just do what makes yourself happy, awesome shot btw xD
  3. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    I've had to remove a few comments from here, please keep comments constructive and relevant to the image.
  4. Myst42
    • premium
    • 542 kudos
    I prefer to ignore the haters... self righteous "SJWs" complaining about boobs while themselves are not doing anything to change that. Suddently everyone dislikes boobs like it's the new trend and all the cool kids are doing it, and yet, they keep being posted. This is hypocritical at levels I can't even begin to describe.
    Internet is ruled by the rule of preference. You dont like it, move along, but talking crap about it, is a clear sign of butthurt trolling.
    You want to change the world? then take action yourself and stop bothering other people cause they wont do what you want them to.
  5. SeventhSinner
    • supporter
    • 38 kudos
    Kirha! <3

  6. VortexZz
    • member
    • 47 kudos
    Yay Kirha, yay boobs and even better in combination xD
    Won't even start complaining about people like that, cause nexus staff wouldn't be too happy.
  7. monkeyangie
    • premium
    • 495 kudos
    boobs for everyone! xD
  8. Erymry
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I have no idea why anyone cares about what people do with their own games. If you don't like the screens that are shared, just ignore them. Pay attention to what you do like.

    Great outfit, by the way.
    1. rakios
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      ^ This.

      Keep doing what you want to do.
    2. Darigaz17
      • supporter
      • 219 kudos

      I don't really care much...no, scratch that...it's annoying af when people see a pair of boobs and go "urrrrrr!!! perverts, hentai, PORN!!!", it's not specifically about my shots, it's this kind of thought that feels so....ugh...I can't even complete the sentece without insulting someone. xD

      Thanks btw xD
  9. dragonfire3405
    • member
    • 45 kudos
    People have called your images Hentai? That's strange. They're not Hentai... not at all... not even close...
    1. Darigaz17
      • supporter
      • 219 kudos
      Not specifically mine...but overall recent shots that have been uploaded on the imageshare