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Older shot from a set i made few months ago.

WALL-O-TEXT WARNING / Character Data

I noticed some comments from various random images i browsed out of boredom.
While some people might enjoy potential chest movements or wanting this chick to show other kind of moves we don't discuss about. xD

Some stuff i do is made sexy because why not? Some stuff thats semi practical is more or less made for other purposes.

Let's go somewhat character specific !
Besides modeling and other stuff.. Why Fay is not seen in full body armors that make you a living tank.. The reason is. she prefers mobility and her sword is about sharp as blade can be and it also weighs atleast 5x more than heaviest claymore.
Tl:dr: She prefers lighter clothes for speed blitz.

TES Class for her is: Spellsword / Blade (heavy hitter in both spell and sword arts)
Unoffcial class would be: Slayer (y'know, many games have those hit and run glass cannons)

edit: If someone misses the point, this is not a "rant". I wouldn't use smileys if it was. Call it a short character info xD


  1. Kpnut
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Not seen any comments like that (unless you mean on LL) but I never understood the "hurr durr that armour isn't practical" mentality you sometimes see.
    1. Mahtawa
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Internet, The mankind divided.
    2. Morghean
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      fortunately, the only person I know who would rant about the armours not being providing the proper protection in games... actually like to see skimpy ones in games, so he'd only rant about it in rl
      this guy is only rants about, how he do not like oblivion.. (even though he plays skyrim) >.>
  2. lendova
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    With a litttle bit of trolling, dont you mind, if I will name a shield for my character after Fay? Like "Fay's missing point" or something similar.
    1. Mahtawa
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Heh, name stuff how you please.

      btw, Fay's horse is called "Avelyn's Horse" because.. reasons.
    2. Kpnut
      • premium
      • 60 kudos
      So she stole it?
    3. Mahtawa
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
    4. lendova
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Stop right there, you criminal scum!
  3. Gracinfields
    • member
    • 96 kudos
    So, she has her version of Gut's Demon Sword?
    1. Mahtawa
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      You mean the actual Dragonlsayer with that "horseshoe"? She does have that somewhere in her stash along with dozen of other superhuman ultra greatswords.
    2. Gracinfields
      • member
      • 96 kudos
      Thought it was called Demonslayer post betrayal.
    3. Mahtawa
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Berserker armor on Fay.. Nah, if i find parts, someone would report it as skyrim daedric armor even tho its not xD