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Calliope the Maenad

Maenad are the daughters of the Ayleid, the Heartland elves who once ruled pre-modern Cyrodiil in the First Era until the events of the Alessian Slave Rebellion and the Fall of White Gold Tower (1E242 -1E243). 

Faced with their eventual decline and extinction in the years after the Fall, the surviving Ayleids gathered their most cultivated and comeliest daughters and set them to slumber in stone halls beneath the earth, there to preserve the legacy of the Ayleid as vessels of their culture and learning, and of their rebirth in some future age. 

Rumours abound of adventurers and scoundrels who plumbed the depths of forgotten Ayleid ruins, finding more than peril and treasure and earning themselves lissome Maenad brides. 

Screenshot taken with A Tweaked ENB by astrob0y.