Sitting by the Fire MM

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  1. TesaPlus
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    I dare not act as referee nor moderator for this discussion .
    But I wonder how the simple man on the street does react to his appearance ... in whatever clothes.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 305 kudos
      "Oh, well, back at my home on Earth I'm a world-renowned hero of my kind, but rarely anybody's ever seen me in person, or is going to believe it when they hear stories of 'dragons'. Yeah, alright, we saved the world, thrice in succession now, from demonic invasion by the Forces of Darkness, everybody knows it, everybody believes it, but when you try to tell them 'what' you are, they loose their mind and go all crazy about the 'impossibility' of what they see standing right in front of them with their very own eyes to actually be 'true'. As if their eyes were deceiving them or something. I'll never understand that."

      "So, when away from dragon territories we always prefer to not just run around in our true shape. Saves you quite a lot of trouble when doing that, I tell you. And when among dense human civilization we actually go 'full' human in shape all the time. 'When among humans, do as the humans do.' It's a real life saver, trust me."

      "But when in places I feel 'at home' at, where most people already know me and my true self, I often loosen this restriction to exclusively human shape a little from time to time. My claws are excellent close-combat weapons and very useful for climbing, and my tail, I can't even tell you all the various purposes this ingenious powerful tool can be helpful with! So whenever I can keep them, without raising too much attention, maybe hiding them away under my coat, wrapping my tail around my hips, and other little tricks, well, then I'll do."

      "But on this planet Nirn here I stranded on things are completely different. I don't know how to explain it, but for some reason beyond my understanding the population of Nirn actually seems to be rather 'species-blind' in this regard. The worst thing ever happening to me in this context so far was one specific fellow being at a complete loss of words, only because he couldn't at all make out the race I'm of. But other than that, nobody seems to actually mind it much."

      "I could literally run rampage through their towns in full-fledged dragon shape and setting everything on fire just for fun, and still they would just approach me with the usual 'Greetings, Citizen!' whenever I'd try to interact with one of them. Really, it needs not be done so overly extreme like on Nirn, but sometimes you fine people back on Earth could really take a little 'inspiration' from them in this regard. I'm standing right in front of you there, how could you possibly insist on me 'not existing' still?"

      Erm, silly dragon, it was just a simple question. There was really no need to switch to full story-telling mode! My apologies. When he started once, there's no stopping him until he's done.
    2. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      This happens by the fireside, sometimes. Actually, I might have met him before ... Sword Coast, perhaps? Deepwater? 'Cause I was a plane traveler, too, in my time.
      Thanks for entertaining me by the fireside. Now a good sip of red wine, and off to bed, the head full of stories.