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  1. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    The entire set-up is nice. The blood-coloured chrystals in the background seems to have a purpose, do they? I am not less curious now :-)
    1. Lougian
      • premium
      • 364 kudos
      They have !
      Here's some background about them :
      These crystals come from the moon a decade ago. They crashed on the world and released some horrifying creatures, the Demons.
      The magic that radiated crystals began to distort the landscape, killing all flora, and giving mutations to peoples and animals... (the sort of zombies you can see on the other screenshot are on of the result of this mutations.)
      And... I won't say more
    2. sandone
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      It's red Tiberium! X3
    3. Lougian
      • premium
      • 364 kudos
      What's red tiberium ?
    4. sandone
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      This is Tiberium: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiberium
      (from the Command and Conquer games)
      It reminded me of Tiberium because of the crystals and mutating effects (also the extraterrestrial origin). Red Tiberium was never actually used in the storyline, but I think was found in some of C&C: Tiberium Sun's data files. Some people made some nice fanart and mods of it if you search for "red tiberium" on Google :3

      Sorry that was a bit off topic though, your mod is looking interesting so far. >w<
    5. fredlaus
      • account closed
      • 194 kudos
      This info is only elevating Lougian's work. Well done in my opinion, sandone!
    6. Lougian
      • premium
      • 364 kudos
      Oh okay Thanks for the explanation ! That wasn't done on purpose
    7. sandone
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Hehe, that's okay, it's quite a similar idea, but more fantasy based.
      Great minds think alike, right?