Tyrendar - In Development Hell

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The fate of the city of Tyrendar is looking pretty grim (and that's not just because it's in the presence of a blazing red giant -- whose size, I'll admit, could probably be reduced by at least 50%). Today, I found that my manual corrections of the city's lost terrain data were completely in vain, as, despite the appearance of land within the CS, each district in-game was totally devoid of land.

I suspect that the worldspaces themselves became corrupted during the file merge. As a result, my next attempt to restore this city shall involve copying and pasting the city's districts into completely new sub-worldspaces and manually replicating their terrain layouts a second time.

For now however, I will keep the city entrance locked, as this is taking up way too much of my time to develop, and I'm feeling rather burnt out on this area. Instead, I would like to turn my attention to the exterior world and continue developing the rest of Arunor. I will eventually return for a second attempt to fully restore this city, but I just wanted to let everyone know that the upcoming build will not feature Tyrendar. It really is in something of a "development hell" at the moment. While it pains me to turn my back on this area, it really is for the best. Tyrendar is broken and there's so much more that I need to get done with this mod. Rest assured though, I'll come back to patch it up in the future.


  1. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    Good luck. On the bright note, this presents you with opportunity to excercise your skills once again - and each time you're getting better and better at it
    1. ZekAonar
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Thank you very much, maczopikczo. I completely agree with you. This city has changed a great many times -- from Dawnshire to Tortuga, to Hesperos and finally Tyrendar. Since it is a city built over water, I anticipated encountering issues with terrain from the very beginning. Indeed, the idea of a city with varied heights has presented a formidable challenge, but with each new iteration of the city, I do seem to improve upon the last design. I am confident that this trend will continue
    2. alimal
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      If I understood well you have problem with vanishing cells in a city?
      Maybe you know it:
      There are two causes usually:

      1. If you try overwrite esm file using data from another esm file. This means: you can't change nothing in Oblivion.esm You will see mistakes after merging your esp to esm file. It is sometimes too late. (You should know it, I think)

      2. If you will set in tab World Space/ Parent Worldspace another world as a parent, you can't move landscape in shared cells !
      Tamriel is a parent for Bruma World. You can't move landscape in Bruma nor in Tamriel (in Bruma) area at all. If you will create a new mountain there, you will have vanishing landscape too.
      Maybe it is a cause?
      If I remember well (I had this problem long, long time ago) you will see this bug only when you will merge it to esm.
      Good luck!