Sexy Saturday

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Got one more of these to upload, can't remember if I did a sexy whateverday image this week either. I'll return to (ir)regular service on Monday, maybe giving image of Shadow a rest in favour of images of my other characters.

Also having problems with Fast Travel in my game (I've sort of fixed it, but having to type "enablefasttravel 1" into the console every time I load up a save is annoying) as well, the problem being the game won't let me (unable to fast travel from Pell's Gate to Chorrol my arse). As I said I sort of fixed the problem but I need something a bit more permanent.


  1. acorntwo
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I thought naked nirnroots were supporter-only images....
  2. ciaphus
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Depends on how bethesda stores the data in the save states. I would suspect a bit or byte twiddle happened and it's disabled in the save state itself. If it's globally disabled you could check to see if you didn't acidentally twiddle something in your config file.

    Another probably more annoying process is to dump the state of the system when you load up (all globals) and sift through them. Did you extract your core game archive data so you could modify what you want? If so it's possible one of any mods may have incidentally nailed it.

    Nice ... nirnroot you have there.
