Fallout New Vegas

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About this mod

A small themeable player home in Goodsprings that includes windows with a view, a robot butler, a personal teleporter, an ice cold dispenser, and more.

Permissions and credits
DISCONTINUED: Sorry to all but after much consideration I will no longer be updating or supporting these mods.

My Goodsprings Ranch: A small themeable ranch with a view

By: stedman420

If you like my work please take the time to endorse it.

-Before updating to v4.* make sure to save outside of the ranch.
-> If you save inside the ranch and then update you may wind up in an empty room or blank space.

-If using the S420 Theme Patch you'll need to uninstall it before updating to v4.0 or higher.
-> It has been merged into the main mod and can cause conflicts if still installed.

-Before updating FROM v2.* you will need to take an extra step in order to keep your ice cold items.
-> sorry for the hassle of this but it couldn't be helped for more info see the UPDATING TO v3.*(or above) WITH ICE COLD ITEMS section below.
-> No containers were touched though so all the rest of your stored items will be safe.

-If you're already on v3.* just follow the normal update instructions.

-If using the patches you will need to update those as well anytime you update the main file.

-If this is your first time installing this mod no worries just follow the install instructions.

This mod requires Ice Cold Resources be installed and come before it in the load order

This is a small themeable player home. It's the northern most small ranch in Goodsprings.
(It's the one closest to the graveyard)

The house includes the following:

+Several windows with a view outside

+A theme terminal with six themes
-> default, nuka-cola, sunset sarsaparilla, casino upgrade, raider gore, and 420

+An Ice Cold Dispenser
-> dispenses ice cold Beer, nuka-cola all variants, sunset sarsaparilla, and both kinds of water

+Jeeves a robot butler
-> he can buy items, repair equipment, change player name, cut hair, dispense water, tell a joke, perform plastic surgery, and perform a sex change

+An interactive snow globe stand
-> Just activate the stand to have any snow globes you've found be displayed. This will work whether or not you've turned them in already.
-> This will not remove any snow globes from your inventory though so you can still turn them in.

+A personal teleporter
-> Doesn't teleport companions

+A crafting Bench

+A reloading table

+A player bed

+A crafting stove

+A lab set

+An infirmary

+Several different kinds of containers for storage

+Has a map marker so you can fast travel to it.

+Fully navmeshed so it's completely companion friendly.

+And possibly a few things I forgot about

-Requires S420GoodspringsRanch-v4.0 or higher be installed as well as the following DLC's
-> Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road

+The following snow globes will appear on the shelf above the snow globe stand AS you find them
-> Sierra Madre, Zion National Park, Big MT, and Lonesome Road

+The snow globe shelf can be activated to bring up a menu to manually enable/disable the DLC snow globes.
-> This is the only way to make a DLC snow globe appear if you've already found it before installing this mod.

### ClearGlass ###
-Requires 420GoodspringsRanch v4.0 or higher
-> This patch will switch the all the window glass to be unbroken and almost invisible.

-Requires S420GoodspringsRanch-v4.0 or higher be installed as well as A Tale of Two Wastelands
-> This is a necessary patch if you're using TTW

+Adds the personal teleporter after escaping the vault
-> If you have not been to the NV Wasteland before teleporting for the first time you'll get the NV Intro
-> You'll then want to walk to the ranch from doc's house so you don't loose your teleportation marker to the DC Wasteland
-> This patch will also set the needed flags when teleporting back and forth between wastelands

###Pre-Update Patches###
-You will only need one of these just pick the one that best fits your install.

-These are only used before updating TO v3.*(or above) FROM v2.* and only if you wanna keep your ice cold items otherwise you can ignore these

-These patches require you install Ice Cold Resources

-These patches also require specific S420 mod files and a specific load order

-Use FOMM or Wrye Bash to set the following load orders for the following patches

***S420PreUpdatePatch*** (This is for a vanilla fallout install)

***S420PreUpdatePatch-DLCs*** (Requires Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road be installed)
S420GoodspringsRanch-All DLC's Patch.esp

***S420PreUpdatePatch-TTW*** (Requires Tale of Two Wastelands be installed)
S420GoodspringsRanch-All DLC's Patch.esp (yes this is needed for the pre update patch to work)

-Where the other two S420GoodspringsRanch patches are in the load order is not important as long as the above requirements are met.

-This mod uses an already existing building from the vanilla game so as long as you don't have a mod that uses the same building, it should work fine.

-If you're using TTW you will need the TTW Patch to avoid game breaking bugs and to receive the teleporter after escaping the vault.

-All requirements for the patches are listed above and will be listed under the files.

1.) Follow the instructions for installing Ice Cold Resources

2.) Extract "S420GoodspringsRanch.esm" from the zip file and place it in your "Data" folder.
(OPTIONAL) Extract the contents of the patch or patches of your choice from the zip files and place them in your "Data" folder.

3.) Use FOMM or Wrye Bash to manually place "S420IceColdResources.esm" above "S420GoodspringsRanch.esm" in the load order.

4.) Then launch the game and open "Data Files".

5.) Check "S420GoodspringsRanch.esm" (and your patch or patches if you chose any) in the menu and then launch the game

-Simply uncheck, remove, or delete any files that were copied to your "Data" folder
-> They will start with S420

-Just overwrite any older files with the newer ones

###UPDATING TO v3.*(or above) WITH ICE COLD ITEMS###
-Unfortunately updating to v3.*(or above) from v2.* can and will cause you to lose all your ice cold items this mod adds.
-> however I've come up with a way to convert them to be used with v3.*(and above) just carefully follow the steps below before you update.

1.) Extract the "S420PreUpdatePatch.esp" of your choice from the zip file and place it in your "Data" folder

2.) Use FOMM or Wrye Bash to manually place the S420 mods in the right load order for the patch you downloaded.

3.) Then launch the game and open "Data Files".

4.) Check "S420PreUpdatePatch.esp" in the menu then launch the game.

5.) Once your game is loaded pick up all of your Ice Cold Items and I mean all of them.

6.) Once you've collected all your ice cold items head out front of the Ranch and you'll find a Pre-Update Console next to the theme terminal

7.) Now just activate the Pre-Update Console and follow it's instuctions.

(OPTIONAL) If your doing these steps for one of my other mods once done updating you can safely remove everything from My Goodsprings Ranch and uninstall it if you want.

-Think carefully before teleporting.
-> Be aware that teleporting out of a quest-sensitive area can break quest progression.
-> If you are in a location or situation where you are not suppose to leave the area dont teleport.
-> Companions won't teleport with you so you should have them wait.
-> If you have a temporary companion (i.e. Sunny Smiles, etc..) you probably shouldn't teleport away either.

-If you update and some items don't match your theme just re-apply your theme in the theme terminal.

-For the changelog just check the readme or changes tab

-When teleporting between wastelands sometimes the radio stations won't update until going outside.
-> I will try and come back to this issue at a later date.

-There is still some mild sun glare on the walls and items inside the ranch depending on the time of day.
-> I've got this down to about the best it's gonna get without it making too dark.
-> It's just a small price to pay for a view.

-If using the RWLe mod the weather will always appear clear when looking out the window.
-> I may make a patch later for this but at least it won't rain inside for now.

-Feel free to use and adapt this mod and it's scripts however you like.

-Just please remember to give credit where credit is due

-I'm actually looking for someone to help with voice acting for Jeeves if interested please let me know.

-chucksteel for the room with a view idea and for answering all my questions on how to go about it. TTW Interiors Project

-xCamoLegend, Sal203, and RoyBatty for the Imagespace Modifier I borrowed to cut down sun glare. Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement

-senterpat for allowing the use of his bong and pipe meshes and textures CAM -Chemicals Alcohol and Medicine

-antistar for the teleportation idea Household Teleporter

-guidion for the ice cold inspiration Ice Cold Vending Machines TTW Friendly
(my script and items are much different but i really liked the idea of ice cold beverages)