Fallout New Vegas
Valeria and the Ghosts of the Past - Chapter 30

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Veronica's head was pounding and she could feel the warm wetness of blood running down her face as she forced herself to her hands and knees. Elijah, her former leader and mentor was standing in the doorway with no hint of recognition in his eyes as he snapped his Gauss rifle toward her, then back to Dean as he dismissed her as an immediate threat.

“I've tried to get down here ever since the bombs dropped.” Dean rasped through teeth gritted with pain as he clasped the smoking hole in his shoulder. “Then when I finally do, I find you already here.” Dean shook his head with a rueful smile. “Truly sir you are to be commended.”

Veronica's shout to Elijah stopped in her throat in her confusion at the egotistical ghoul's deferential tone. Then with a flash of insight she realized that Dean was using flattery to control the conversation and stall for time. Veronica's mouth snapped closed as she realized her position. She wanted answers about Helios One, and with Elijah's inability to recognize her with her shaved head, scars, and bloodied face she had a unique chance to hear the truth. That and one look at Elijah's gaunt, haggard face and eyes burning with feverish intensity made Veronica hesitate.

“All I had to do was answer madness with madness.” Elijah sneered. “As I see you attempted to do with your disfigured companion and the FEV reject.”

“The collar?” Dean replied with a glance at Veronica. “A device truly elegant in its application, but beyond my ability to activate.” Dean shrugged before turning back toward Elijah. “I had to resort to bluffing, and as you see that only worked to a point.”

“Like all the others, you can't see past your own greed.” Elijah growled as he lowered his rifle slightly.
“It took those collars and the threat of mutual destruction to get the treasure hunters to stay...focused on the task at hand, and even then the fools were willing to risk certain death to have it all.”

“So why are you here, if you don't mind my asking?” Dean asked as he tried to move the fingers on his right hand. “Looking for revenge against the NCR?”

“Revenge?” Elijah replied with a snort of derision. “Those primitive ignoramuses barely warrant my contempt let alone a desire for revenge.”

“Perhaps.” Dean said calmly. “But you seemed determined to provoke the NCR with attacks by supermutant raiders and holograms. I assume you had an ulterior motive?”

“Escape.” Elijah growled as he tightened his grip on his rifle. “I've been trapped down here for months, fighting off the Tunnelers and getting what supplies I can from the Vendor machines.” Elijah jerked his head toward one of the glowing blue machines in the corner of the vault. “Those marvels of pre-war tech are all that sustained me down here. Put in Sierra Madre chips, or the slugs I jurry rigged from Fusion batteries and scrap, and they will create food, medicine, or tools. Those devices are the real treasure of the Sierra Madre, not gold or worthless pre-war currency.”

“So you came here for the vendors?” Dean asked with a smirk.

“You have no idea what this place represents.” Elijah sneered as he lowered his rifle. “From this fortress I can end the madness that destroyed the world and kept it in darkness ever since!”

“How?” Dean asked with a raised eyebrow.

“The toxic cloud this place generates can be dispersed by rockets or prevailing winds to wipe the slate clean!” Elijah snarled as his eyes began to burn with fanaticism. “Once the rabble is reduced to a more ...manageable level, collars will ensure obedience, holograms will provide defense, and the vendors will provide everything else.”

“But then you were trapped down here.” Dean observed with a smirk.

“I...underestimated an FEV remnant I encountered in the Casino.” Elijah said with a scowl. “This has forced me to take extreme measures to escape.”

“The Supermutants?” Dean asked as he glanced at Magog's corpse.

“Those imbeciles proved to be more trouble than they were worth!” Elijah snarled. “I had hoped with their strength and stealth they could overcome the Casino's defenses, but they proved too fractious and insane.”

“So you sent them against the NCR to get the Republicans to spring you.” Dean said as he shook his head. “A plan truly inspired in its simplicity.”

“Except the NCR proved too craven after losing the Mojave to that horde of Luddite barbarians.” Elijah growled. “When they finally moved it was too little, too late.” Elijah's pointed his rifle at Dean's face.

“And now you will tell me how you managed to get down here!”

“No great mystery.” Dean admitted as he raised his good arm with a wince. “I used Vera's voice after discovering the phrase from years of trial and error.”

“Do you have a holotape?” Elijah snapped. “Speak before I blow your head off!”

Dean opened his mouth to reply but was suddenly interrupted by Veronica as she climbed to her feet.

“What happened at Helios One Elijah?” Veronica rasped, causing both Dean and Elijah to look at her in surprise. Veronica saw irritation, but no recognition in Elijah's eyes.

“Helios One was what convinced me it was time to forgo the Codex.” Elijah said with a shrug as he returned his attention to Dean. “That plant was a hidden control nexus for an orbital weapons platform harnessing solar energy. If the NCR hadn't interfered I would have used the threat of that weapon to remake the Mojave. I now realize how limited that vision was, but from that debacle came a new, better opportunity.”

“Why did you destroy it?” Veronica demanded. Elijah jerked his attention back toward her, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

“The NCR was about to overrun the plant.” Elijah replied with a shrug. “I was never going to allow those cretins to have that power so I destroyed it.”

“The Knights in Helios were still fighting on your orders!” Veronica growled as she clenched her fists in fury. “They were our family and you blew them up!”

“What!” Elijah shouted in surprise as he glared at Veronica's scarred face. Then his eyes widened in astonishment and he exclaimed. “Veronica?”

Suddenly alarms began to blare from around the cavernous chamber and Elijah jerked his eyes toward the ceiling of the vault with a curse. At that moment Veronica hurled herself at her former mentor, knocking his rifle aside with her arm.

“You monster!” She shrieked as she punched Elijah in the face, staggering the Elder and driving him reeling out of the Vault. With a sneer of rage twisting his bloodied lips, Elijah tried to smash at Veronica with the stock of his heavy rifle as she drove him back with a flurry of punches and kicks. Elijah frantically blocked with his rifle, relying on his reinforced robes to protect him from the worst of her attacks as he waited for an opening. Then a sudden spinning kick from the young scribe knocked the rifle from his hands, sending it clattering to the edge of the platform. Using her momentum, Veronica spun about and drove her fist into Elijah's ribs. Elijah gasped with pain, and then dropped into a crouch as he swept his leg into Veronica's feet.

Caught by surprise, Veronica went down hard on her back as Elijah scrambled toward the rifle. His hand closed on the stock as Veronica flipped to her feet and charged as he brought the rifle up. A ferromagnetic slug seared her cheek as she hurled herself feet first through the air, driving both heels into the Elder's chest. Elijah howled as he was flung backwards to vanish into the cloud filled abyss below. Carried by momentum, Veronica skidded over the edge desperately flailing for anything to stop her. Suddenly her slide was halted with a jerk as her wrist was seized in a powerful grip. Veronica looked up in astonishment to see Dean Domino pulling her back from the edge, grimacing with the pain of his injured arm. Veronica got her feet back under her and stood coughing and gasping for air as alarms continued to shrill. Then there was a rumble and a gout of flame plumed up from the depths with a roar.

“Something ignited the gas mains!” Dean shouted as he seized Veronica's upper arm and half drug her toward the steps leading to the maintenance elevator.

“But...the treasure!” Veronica cried out as she looked back at the dome of the Vault. There was a crack like a thunderbolt as a blast of electricity arced between the Tesla coils.

“There's no time!” Dean shouted as he tightened his grip on Veronica's arm. “The generators are overloading! If we don't leave now it won't matter who you sound like!”

Reminded of what had been done to her, Veronica glared at Dean but kept limping after him as he climbed the stairs. Then as he reached the top he froze before yanking Veronica around and clamping her arm behind her in a painful hold. Veronica gasped with pain as Dean pulled out the Saturnite kitchen knife and pressed the point to her throat.

“We have a guest, so behave yourself.” The ghoul hissed menacingly into her ear as her mind tried to cope with the shock of the sudden reversal. Then the reason Dean took her hostage stepped into view through the foul smelling smoke and gas.

It was Valeria.

There was no mistaking the huge woman even though she was covered with soot, grime, and dried blood. Her white eyes gleamed in the pulsing red light as she looked down at Veronica and Dean.

“I admit, I didn't think much of your chances.” Dean said conversationally. “But you do seem to have a way with beating the odds.”

Valeria looked at the knife, and then at Veronica's battered and scarred face before turning to Dean with an expression in her eyes that made Veronica gasp and Dean raise the knife threateningly.

“Let's not be hasty.” The ghoul said quickly. “The Sierra Madre is dying and we'll die with it if we don't use the elevator before the power goes out!”

Valeria took a deliberate step down the stairs, her rage almost palpable as her huge hands tensed into claws. Veronica didn't doubt for an instant that Valeria intended to tear Dean apart with her bare hands as soon as she got the chance.

“Here's how this is going to play.” Dean hissed. “I'm going to the elevator with our friend here, and you will do nothing but watch. Make me nervous, and the knife may slip to your friend's detriment.”

“If you hurt her...” Valeria snarled as if words were forced through her rage only with great effort.

“Of course.” Dean replied with a sneer. “But let's not waste time with threats.” Dean then wrenched Veronica toward the railing and indicated with a jerk of his head that Valeria step aside. Another explosion shook the platform as Valeria stepped aside and silently watched Dean back past her, dragging Veronica behind him. Valeria followed, not reaching for her hammer but no less menacing as she glowered seething at the ghoul.

“You know what to do.” Dean said to Veronica as he stood with his back to the elevator doors. Veronica said the phrase and as the floor shook and rumbled the doors slid open behind Dean. He quickly stepped back into the compartment as Valeria stopped in front of the doors, her huge body tensed and ready to explode into motion. Dean shifted his hold on Veronica, then as the doors began to slide shut suddenly flung the knife at Valeria as he shoved Veronica forward. Valeria flung her arm up to protect her face as the knife flew off her bracer and was off balance when Veronica sprawled against her. Valeria fell against the wall as she clumsily tried to catch Veronica, and in that moment saw Dean's smile of triumph as the doors closed between them.

Inside the elevator Dean began to laugh as the car groaned and shook. He had done it! He had lied, cheated, and betrayed his way into Sinclair's inner Sanctum and emerged triumphant! All of his enemies were dead, or soon to be, and it was only a matter of time before he supplanted House as the warlord of New Vegas. Laughing with almost maniacal glee, the ghoul reached into his coat to retrieve the chip that had taken him two centuries to recover...

...and found nothing!

Dean began to frantically search his clothes for the chip, and as the elevator slowed to a stop almost howled in frustration and fury. Somehow the chip was lost and there was no going back for it. The doors opened to a hallway filled with acrid smoke and luridly lit by flames. Dean covered his nose-less face with a handkerchief as he stepped out of the elevator and entered the burning executive suite. The entire floor was becoming engulfed in flames, but Dean could still see a path through the searing heat. With a snarl he ducked his head and ran down the burning hallway. His only chance was to get to the Lobby elevator before it too stopped working. Once he escaped the Casino, he would return to the Mojave and find another way to bring down House. He had clawed his way to the top before, and he had no doubt he would do it again. He was Dean Domino, toast of the town, master thief, and survivor. He would win, it was only a matter of time.

The hallway leading to the elevator was smoke filled but comparatively clear as he strode through the darkness past the shattered rooms. Then a huge figure stepped out of one the last rooms, blocking his way to the elevator. It was the giant naked form of a woman, covered with blisters and burns and her hair gone except for a few strands clinging to her seared scalp.

“Valeria!” Dean snarled as he furiously tried to understand how she had achieved the impossible and got to the elevator before him.

“No, not Valeria.” The woman rasped as her cracked and bleeding lips pulled back from her sharp teeth in a savage grin. “I would know that voice anywhere Dean. After all these years you've come back.”

“Vera?” Dean stammered in astonishment.

“How nice of you to recognize me.” The woman sneered. “I certainly recognize you, especially now that your face is as rotten as your soul!”

“We have to leave now Vera, if that's truly who you are.” Dean said quickly as the woman began to slowly walk toward him. “This entire casino is about to become a torch!”

“We're not going anywhere.” Vera said in a whisper filled with rage and loathing. “You took the life of a naive young farm girl from Minnesota.” Vera stepped forward as Dean backed away frantically looking for some way to escape.

“And now I'm going to take yours.” Vera snarled as she charged.

Dean turned to run, but the ghoul only took two steps before Vera caught him.


Down in the Vault, Veronica again shouted the pass-phrase into the speaker to no effect.

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a snap and then a rumbling from the elevator as there was an explosion from the vault like a bolt of lightning. Valeria swept Veronica into her arms to shield her as the floor tilted under their feet. In the chamber beyond the Tesla coils were sending bolts of electricity off in sizzling arcs as the continuing power surges overloaded them. Then there was a sudden screech from the elevator followed by silence and Valeria released Veronica and stooped to pick up the knife Dean had thrown at her.

“What are you going to do?” Veronica shouted over the constant roar now echoing from deep in the casino.

“Stand back!” Valeria shouted as she stepped forward and drove the knife between the doors. The incredibly sharp blade backed by the strength of Valeria's arm drove it deep into the thick steel. She wrenched the blade out and drove it in again, creating a ragged gash in a door before snapping the point off the ceramic knife. Valeria forced her fingers into the gap, and then braced her foot against the elevator's frame. Flames began to sheet up past the vault platform as its supports began to sag under the repeated shocks. Ignoring the groaning echoing about them, Valeria strained against the door with all the strength she could muster from her massive body. At first nothing happened, and as Valeria took a deep shuddering breath, she looked at Veronica's face and with a growl of fury again threw herself against the door. Nothing happened at first, then with a scream of effort Valeria pulled the doors apart with a groan of protesting gears.

Beyond the doors was the dark abyss of the elevator shaft. Visible below them was the roof of the elevator car where it had halted in its downward plunge. Valeria quickly looked about the shaft, then stared grimly at the elevator cables. Suddenly the floor began to tilt as with a roar the platform holding Sinclair's Vault began to slide into the void.

“Get on my back!” Valeria shouted as she turned away. Veronica hesitated a moment, and then climbed on her friend's broad back, wrapping her legs around her waist as she clung to Valeria's neck. Valeria put the knife between her teeth, took a step back, and then launched herself toward the two cables. She stopped with a jerk as her hands closed on the greasy steel and she quickly wrapped her legs around the cable as well. There was another flash from the Vault behind them as Valeria seized the cosmic knife and began to hack at the other cable. The cable was held only by a groaning strand of steel when the knife snapped in two and Valeria flung the handle aside.

“Hang on!” She shouted just as the other cable snapped and they hurtled up the shaft as the elevator car plunged into the smoke filled abyss. Barely a second later there was a roar as a cloud of fire filled the elevator and raced up the shaft after them. Veronica closed her eyes tight and buried her face in Valeria's neck as there was an instant of searing heat before they flew out of the cloud and continued to rocket up the shaft.


Thunder was rumbling in the constant storm over the Sierra Madre when Valeria and Veronica emerged from a small maintenance door at the back of the casino's spire and stepped onto the roof. Both women were at the end of their reserves as they walked into the howling wind that threatened to sweep them both off the roof and into the churning cloud below.

“What now?” Veronica shouted as Valeria looked about.

“I don't know.” Valeria finally admitted as she walked beside the spire and looked down at the Villa obscured in the valley far below.

“All that death and destruction and Sinclair's treasure will be buried with him.” Valeria said as she looked back at Veronica's scarred and exhausted face.

“Not everything.” Veronica replied with a shadow of her quirky smile as she held up a dully gleaming silver chip.

“The platinum chip?” Valeria exclaimed in astonishment. “Where did you find it?”

“I took if off Dean while he was using me as a hostage.” Veronica replied as her smile stretched into a grin. “I don't know if we're gong to make it out of here Val, but at least I know that bastard didn't get away with this!”

“I'm sorry Ronnie.” Valeria said as she suddenly embraced Veronica. The young woman sagged in Valeria's embrace, and her shoulders began to shake as emotion finally overwhelmed her. They stood that way for a moment as distant explosions echoed from the Villa as well as faint strains of Vera's voice as her melancholy song replaced the fanfare of the Gala. Suddenly Valeria looked up and gently pushed Veronica away as she strained to listen. Veronica wiped her eyes and looked questioningly at her huge friend as Valeria turned to look out over the Villa.

“Vertibirds.” She finally said without turning around.

“What?” Veronica exclaimed as she stepped next to Valeria and peered into the storm.

“There!” Valeria shouted as she pointed toward several dark shapes growing larger as they approached high over the churning clouds.

“They must be NCR.” Valeria observed as she started to raise her arms, then froze and looked down at Veronica in concern.

“It's okay Val!” Veronica shouted over the wind. “I want to live and this is the only way!”

Valeria nodded and turned to wave her arms over her head as the Vertibirds banked and began to swoop toward the burning remains of the Sierra Madre.




  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 382 kudos

    Phew - this was breathtaking. Quite literally. And still I cannot help but think: Have qwe seen the last of Dean or...... Fantastic
    1. jumpman
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      It doesn't look good for Dean, but who knows?
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos

    This was a great read, Jumpman, enjoyed every bit of it! Awesome pic, too!
    1. jumpman
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Thanks FBC This chapter practically wrote itself, and the image turned out pretty good, despite or perhaps because of its simplicity.
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Wow, that was a intense and gripping almost the entire time. I almost feel sorry for Dean, though it sounds like Val and Ronnie may end up in a situation similar to when they were guests of the Legion. We'll just have to wait and see how things pan out. Great entry.
    1. jumpman
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      I almost felt sorry for Dean myself. He was a lot of fun to write At least Ronnie got some of her own back after his high handed treatment of her.
  4. ProtectorDrake
    • member
    • 102 kudos
    With Chris on her side, it should goging well... i hope...

  5. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Iron-clad Dean. I presumed too much in the last episode. He's alive and already figuring the angles. from the second paragraph forward. The ultimate survivor,but I don't think he'll survive a woman's scorn -- one carried for 200 years. And Elijah? Who knew -- he was as bad as the Master, yet never knew the value of the platinum chip. Wow. Great entry. And it looks like the air cavalry may have arrived just in time.
    1. jumpman
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Dean was a player to the bitter end, but I think he finally met his match