Fallout New Vegas
Mojave Express Project - Gallery

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  1. TragicComic
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    I knew you were still around.

    Woah, these are way cool! The various outfits and accessories for this project are coming along nicely. My fav top is the Geonox Riot Armor one.
    Ramona is totally pulling off the elbow pads!

    Maybe the raised fist on the jacket could be a symbol for showing "appreciation and respect to the folks that have shared their work with us"... R.E.S.P.E.C.T!!

    It's been a pleasure seeing the hard work you've put into Ramona's universe. Your dedication and loyalty to her is inspiring. I look forward to seeing more and thanks for sharing your wonderful imagination and vision.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Hi TC! Yeah, you see me post on flickr and we chat there sometimes.

      Thank you for the feedback on the elbow pads, that what I was hoping to hear the most and you're the first person to mention them. Maybe I'll get around to fitting them better.

      As for that fist, MissMorose did an amazing job removing it from the back of the jacket and I actually managed to make the one on the left breast look more like a grease stain.

      Thanks, and back atcha - thanks for sharing ol' Doom Motor and the Cutting Crew with us. It's been a lot of fun seeing all of your cast as they develop too!
    2. TragicComic
      • member
      • 62 kudos
      Sure thing, the elbow pads go very well with the knee pads imo.

      Thanks for sharing that pic, looks like MM hooked ya up real nice with the edit there. It does look like a grease stain.

      I'm very grateful for all the support you've given me and thank you for taking interest in my characters.
    3. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      You have awesome characters with cool backstories that bring them to life and make them real, that's very easy to support. More than that, though, is mutual respect and it's a wonderful thing.
    4. TragicComic
      • member
      • 62 kudos
      I just reread your previous post and you edited the small fist symbol on the front of the jacket. I initially read it as MM did it. Oops sorry about that. Gotta give ya props where it's due!

      Thanks again and see ya around the nexus-sphere I'm sure!
    5. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      No worries, what you said is true - she did indeed hook me up with a nice edit.

      Thanks TC, see you around! I might even have an update soon.
  2. evillicious
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    Wow, that's quite a collection!

    Plus! Don't be surprised ppl are missing you You always got this witty remarks for every situation

    Wastelanders just love ya

    (green ones too!)
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks, I was inspired and ran with it.

      If you say so, I won't argue. I've never really thought of myself as anything special. It's not a lack of self esteem - I'm secure in who I am and all... I guess it comes from having been a loner most of my life and when people did notice me it was to try to bully me.

      Thank you for your kind words, please say hi to Foxey for me.
  3. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 231 kudos
    A lot of work has gone into this project, and it's definitely paid off. Always good to see Mona getting some new gear! And of course I can't wait to see if/how all this new stuff comes into play down the road.
    Also, I remember making that custom vest texture a good while ago - glad to know Mona still gets some use out of it. ^^
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Yeah, it certainly didn't all happen in one sitting. Half the fun of making gear for her is dreaming up how it will be introduced and/or used while I'm working on it. Even if the explanations don't make it into the writing, it's there, but I do try to include it when I can.

      Yep, Mona has four different vests in her wardrobe box, the original blue and black ones came first, and then the named versions were only a day or two behind and they still see rotation.
  4. Russianwalstelander
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    We can safely assume that Mona won't be running out of clothes in the near future, eh? You did some great job on some them, especially the Mojave express tanktop. I am also very much impressed with the holster model, I was thinking of modifying in though I would have to ask permission from Drag.
    I also wanted to thank you for making those videos, I believe that seeing how to do something is in fact
    much better than reading about it. I am sure some people will be very grateful to you for those.

    One question though: Are those holstered guns a part of the model? They look very nicely fitted and I doubt you would be able to look at the clipping if the gun was actually holstered in there.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Dragbody's given blanket permission to use pretty much anything he's personally created and nothing in the credits mentions the holster being by anybody else, though asking just to be sure is very respectful I understand he's rather hard to get a hold of these days.

      No, those guns are not static models added to the holster, they are "real" functioning game weapons. I spent a little bit of time getting the placement right to accommodate as many possibilities as I could. The holster itself is very large which lends itself well to holding a wide range of weapons.

      The task of placing the holster required a lot of trial and error - test it in game and take a reference image, then go back to Blender and make some adjustments, export, and put it in game again for making another reference shot. Most details/models don't see more than three or four iterations before I'm satisfied with them. The holster placement required nine revisions to get exactly where I wanted it.

      The videos are fun and easy for me to make and I'm glad they're helpful. I learned a lot about Nifskope and Blender from videos myself, they made the written directions much easier to understand, but what helped me more than anything else was a good friend encouraging me every step of the way. MissMorose gave me the courage to take each step forward and see that the only thing really holding me back was my own hesitation. That is why she is my hero and I will be forever grateful to her.

      If I can help others to take their first steps, I'll gladly do it.
    2. dangman4ever
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Dragbody has open permissions? Huh, didn't know that.
    3. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      From the credits section of the description in Modern Gunslinger:

      You cannot use the cubemaps (those textures located in texture/eve/effects/cubemaps) from this mod without Weijiesen's permission. For the rest, do what you like. As far as I'm concerned, my mods can be considered modder's resources. Just please stay respectful and remember to let me know if you use anything from this mod.

      Yep. Most of them say so in the perms tab, though some don't mention it. All you need to watch out for is stuff specifically credited to someone else.
    4. dragbody
      • supporter
      • 1,210 kudos
      I have given open permissions on several mods but not all. Please check them all individually before making any mistakes. The holster from the casual courier came from Spice of Life and it required special permissions for my use.
    5. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks for clarifying that. When I added the holster to my Gunslinger Gal I got the model and texture from the original source, Yoko's Outfit, which Backsteppo gives free permission to use on his profile page. Folks can get it there and tweak as needed.

      It is definitely a good practice for anyone considering releasing something to verify sources and permissions. A lot of creators ask, like you have done Dragbody, for a quick message. That way any misunderstanding can be quickly cleared up.

      I've seen some uploaders go so far as to include screenshots of PM's from content creators or statements of permission to use stuff in a mod's description in their own file images to make sure they've covered their bases. I believe I have seen a case or two where a model or texture was reported as used without permission when the owner had either accidentally ticked the wrong box [guess it's kind of hard to tick the wrong box on purpose] or forgotten they'd given permission.
  5. BumNanner
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    I've been messing around with NifSkope too lately. And by messing around I mean haphazardly altering models beyond repair and loading the backup, rinse, repeat. I had boots.. as bracelets.. Yeah..
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      That's sort of how I started too, adding accessories here and there. When I got frustrated with how limited I was I gave in and attempted Blender.
  6. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos

    Excellent work Brig, especially with the riot armor breastplates. I always found the original versions too top-heavy.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks! In all honesty, I didn't change the proportions of the chest plate model. All I did was shorten it a little bit to not bite into her stomach or rump and.... Oh, maybe broadening the shoulders did change it a bit. I'm glad you like it. As the Geonox stuff is all free to use, lemme know if Rebekkah [I hope I spelled that right, I've always had trouble with it, sorry Rebekkah] needs some armor and maybe we could cobble something together for her.
  7. deshaz
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    I stand in awe of your skills, I always wished I had the talent you have to mod and to use bits and pieces of other mods to create such great outfits, and I still love your Ramona character, she feels like a real person to me, no I'm not nuts in the context of the Fallout world she is a real character to me, thanks for the videos, when I'm on leave I will use them to try modding..., it may end in tears but I will try.

    Oh, and thank you for the Clapton links, one of my all time favorite artists
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Totally my pleasure, Des, and glad to give back where I can.

      Funny you should say Ramona is a real person... she certainly talks to me while I'm playing video games too. I was playing SpecOps: The Line just a little bit ago and this really evil person asked me to put him out of his misery and he dropped a .44 Magnum revolver to do it with. Mona convinced me to let him burn and save the ammo for something more worthwhile to get an achievement for it.

      Please, don't hesitate to ask for help before getting to the tears stage.
    2. BumNanner
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Yes, always keep the ammo! (I know exactly which part that is)
  8. thedragonking82
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    You are the glue of the nexus share Brig ^.^

    Great to see Ramona getting out and active, she looks good all round. I like the idea of a wardrobe showcase.. I may have to follow suit one day with similar
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thank you Andy. I think you make more of me than I am, but I do appreciate it. Thank you.

      I know I'd love to see your crew in individual spotlights and wardrobe showcases. It would be cool to see them just being themselves on their own time.
  9. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    I hear you. I really wish I had the time to comment on everything I think is interesting. But sadly that would leave me no time doing some stuff on my own. And with 3 characters at sea - ehrm desert- all wanting to tell THEIR story, I'm constantly feeling short of breath!
    As for the rest - well, most of what you say is greek to me. But I am very impressed at the result. And the thought process leading to thsi is very interesting. Mona must feel pretty spoiled
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Hmm, how do you decide which save to load when you start your game?

      As for Mona being spoiled... I like to think I take good care of her, but sometimes I wonder if what I put her through outweighs the things that I give her.
  10. rexus3
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    Deeply impressed.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thank you Rexus, I'm glad you like it.