Introducing the new Video Share section

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Today we have launched our new Video Share functionality across the Nexus sites. The concept of the Video Share section is much like the Image Share section; it's an area where you can showcase the videos that you have made that relate to the games we support in some way. Interviews with modders, reviews of mods you like, story-driven machinima and so on and so forth. It's something we've had on our to-do list for two and a half years now so I'm pleased to finally get this out the door.

First and perhaps most importantly, the Video Share section will only work with YouTube videos. We made a conscious decision to forego hosting videos ourselves for a variety of reasons:

  • Most prolific video creators are already using YouTube and a lot are entwined with their commission scheme so it seemed pointless to force them to upload their videos again, here, when a ready made and proven service is already available.
  • YouTube have a great and powerful API we can easily hook in to.
  • It's unlikely a lot of people already using YouTube would want to upload their videos here anyway as it may result in a loss of subscribers. By linking in with YouTube's API our relationship with YouTube is symbiotic, advantageous to YouTuber's and non-detrimental to prolific YouTuber's.
  • Hosting videos, that are often large files that require resource intensive encoding, is a costly investment (it can easily run in to the hundreds of thousands of dollars). It seemed more prudent to continue to direct funds towards the ongoing stability of these sites rather than on a new feature.
  • Coding a video player seemed pointless, and a waste of what would likely have been months of programmer time, when YouTube works fine.
  • More liability falls on YouTube than us if someone uploads something they shouldn't.

While I understand some of you will not be fans of YouTube it is the most convenient service for us to hook in to. We do not have any plans to support other video services at this time.

As a result the Video Share system becomes an indexing service for videos users upload to YouTube. You might ask, "What's the point, I might as well just go to YouTube". Well, not really. If you go to YouTube and type in "Skyrim mods" you'll get a crap-ton of results with very little filtering options past that. The idea of the Nexus Video Share is to provide a better indexing service than what YouTube can offer, specialised to what users of this site are going to be more interested in and allows authors to showcase their videos, and especially the mods showcased within those videos, more easily to users who are interested in such content.

We've added a new feature to our video share system that I'd like to have implemented into the Image Share section at some point soon. When adding videos to our database you can specify which Nexus mods are being showcased in the video. Something I see time and time again in YouTube comments are users asking the video author what mods they're using. The idea of this system is to allow authors to quickly and easily add these mods to their video pages, providing exposure for those mods while similarly relieving the burden of continually answering the same questions for the author.

If you're looking to add your videos to our Video Share database then we've made it easy for you. We've plugged an importer in to YouTube's API that will connect to your account (via YouTube's API servers, and not ours, for obvious security reasons!), find all your videos and provide you with an easy to use interface to choose the videos you'd like to add to our Video Share. If you're a weekly mod reviewer and you've been releasing a video every week for the past 3 years then you'll probably find it a lot quicker to use our importer than you would manually adding each new video in to our database. Alternatively you can easily add your videos to our database manually using our video adding wizard.

The Video Share guidelines will follow the same rules as the Image Share guidelines which most importantly includes a no nudity/sex rule. I don't currently have any plans to offer a Supporter Video Share that has more liberal rules. We'll just see how it goes.

A Video Share section has always seemed like a logical extension of our Image Share section. I've no idea how much it will be used but considering the two and a half year wait to get around to doing this work I'm just pleased we could finally release it.


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  1. SteelBloodHound
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is an amazing feature!
  2. Gethesmain
    • supporter
    • 45 kudos
    Wow. Never even heard of it until now. Truly some amazing work, given the subject. 10/10
  3. xxguillermoxx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hola soy nuevo en el juego y quiero saber si después de instalar un mod hay que activarlo con alguna contraseña cuando entramos al juego o simplemente el aparece y don de.
  4. zerther
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
    dark, thanks for even making this site. the nexus is almost just as important to me as skyrim itself. you rock.
  5. cross1492
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    Just thought you might want to know that there is a misspelling… shawcases … showcases
  6. fore
    • premium
    • 1,299 kudos
    Apparently video creator can choose the mods where their videos will appear in the video share section. While I'm very happy to see gopher's Mod Sanctuary in the FNIS videos, I don't appreciate the other two. They either entered a wrong mod, or they are simply there for popularity reasons.

    How can I remove shared videos from "my" video section?
  7. TheMastersSon
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Love the idea of video sharing, just not via Youtube.

    In response to post #14548383.

    You don't come across as an ass,you made a good point there. Nowdays youtube is like tv (or maybe worse),especially when it's about videogames.

    Love the idea of video sharing, just not on Youtube. Any site that doesn't accept video and other content as is (i.e. requiring re-encoding to proprietary formats) is technically and practically not a host, it's a content producer. The difference between the two is important and will become moreso as we now have providers of internet service (e.g. Comcast) owning the content producing companies (e.g. NBC). Now Comcast wants to buy Warner. Etc. The only eventuality, in absence of protection and regulation of the internet as the essential utility it's become, is what we're now seeing on Youtube, e.g. disallowing of video buffering, obfuscation of internal links to videos etc. Google has intentionally made internet video substantially less useful than even cable TV. It's a one-way race to the bottom as long as common carrier protections are not implemented for the internet.
  8. FalloutAddict111
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is there anyway to have the videos grouped by game. Having them all together seems confusing to me.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      This only happens when you go to the Videos page from the all-games landing page.
      Access it from any of the games sites and you'll end up with a list of only videos for the game the site of which you are on.
  9. CeaserBorgia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there anyway you could release a patch for the NMM. It looks like me and almost everyone else can't download with manager.
    This forum is for the Video sharing feature of the forums NOT NMM which is an entirely different thing - If you really want help with NMM - please post in the proper forum.
    Here is a link that may help.
  10. Slendersenpai
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i just installed the newest update and now i cant download any mods at all via the NMM, i can do them through manuel, but ive never done that, i prefer NMM its just far more convenient and i click download with NMM on over 35 different mods all from different people, and it nothing happens, is this bug? or did something change im not aware of. id really rather not have to do this manually all the time
    1. escribner86
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ditto. Did you find a fix yet?
    2. yiffers
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      I've had the same issue since I updated, it'd be nice to know what caused this issue and if it can get fixed soon.