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Finally I can rejoice! After countless hours (with a few migraines ) creating and play testing palettes I have finally created the ultimate experimental palette. I have named it, "fantasia" and it is brilliantly fun.

This is only 25% of what this palette can produce!

I have been playing with these types of palettes but I could never get them working, as in play worthy but this has changed. The palette changes with different kinds of light. Night eye spell is required at night but the fun part is that different strengths of the spell will result in DRASTIC different effects. From soft shades to gradient and even wild effects it actually becomes a light show... and it is playable.

This Fantasia Palette is unlike any other I have made. I have been thinking about making something similar and I may go back and try to improve my Purple HaZe Palette.

Indoors, caves and ruins the night eye spell is not needed. The palette looks fantastic. See linked pictures for indoors effects. This palette was tested with Scripted Lightings and The Symphony but you should get similar results without.

This now makes 5 new palettes that will be added to
Purple HaZe MGE XE Palette Collection mod.
The others are: MidNight Palette, Colour Mood Gradient Palette, Colorlicious Palette and Pastel Palette.

You can preview the other palettes by viewing my pictures.

I have 3 more palettes in the works, a golden palette and a Film Noir palette and another older palette to be released whenever... kinda going to take a break from these palettes for a while. My eyes are burning ^^

A big thanks to phal who created the ENBPalette.fx shader.


  1. Naufragous77
    • premium
    • 70 kudos
    Taste the rainbow, FEEL the rainbow! Awesome work, Psi!
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      hahaha Exactly! You so get it
  2. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    And it looks awesome. You did a wonderful Work again my dear