
Important new site poll, please vote!

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Away with the old and in with the new, and this time it's a poll where your votes get a relative look in on something on this site, so get on it!

Firstly, the last poll asked "Are you going to buy Bethesda's upcoming game, Fallout 3?". Here are the results:

Yes, 8092 votes (48%)
No, 2768 votes (16%)
Maybe, 3923 votes (23%)
Only if it comes with a construction set, 2056 votes (12%)
16839 total votes.

Impressive statistics that a potential 84% of TESNexus visitors could be buying Fallout 3.

Now onto the next poll. The latest poll asks "Should the file database rating system be changed to be like the Image Share rating system?". For those not in the loop the Image Share section recently had a rating system overhaul whereby user ratings are much like the kudos system for members. You cannot rate images negatively, only positively. If you don't like an image then you just don't rate it. Instead of rating the file from a set number range, you give the file your endorsement, which gives the file a "+1" to its rating.

Why would such a system be necessary I hear you ask? Well, first of all the 1 - 10 rating system has become more of a 1 or 10 rating system, with the odd 5, 6 and 7 thrown in for good measure. You rate 10 if you like a file, 1 if you don't like a file, and 5, 6 or 7 if you think the file has potential but don't think it's at its best. However, there are also people out there abusing the rating system for their own benefit, or just because they're prats. They'll rate files 5, 6 or 7 and give a constructive post, but deep down they're doing it because they want to see that file lose some rating points.

Similarly with the ability to rate files badly with a necessary comment comes a lot of negative, rude and insulting comments. It's something we're aware of, we've tried to change, and the moderation team try their hardest to weed out and remove (the ban statistics since the rule changes have say the least). Unfortunately there are still those who want to push their luck and think we won't ban them if they're derogatory towards others.

By removing a tool for negativity and promoting only positive feedback the hope is mod authors will be more content with sharing their files with the public.

There's been a focus in the community recently on authors leaving because they don't feel respected; while I can sympathise with these people it is, unfortunately, a way of the internet. You should see the amount of crap I get through my inbox on a weekly basis from raging kids! After seven years I've learnt to ignore it, or amuse myself with it, but never take it to heart.

As per the current system you will still need to leave a comment with your endorsement, and comments will still be available for constructive feedback.

So please cast your vote in the new site poll and feel free to discuss the issue through the poll thread, or this news thread.


  1. Deathless Aphrodite
    Deathless Aphrodite
    • supporter
    • 208 kudos
    Hey Dark0ne, when you create the top 100 hall of fame after changing the rating system, could you maybe change the "Daggerfall Memories: Cybiades" author's name from Cooperdale to Deathless Aphrodite?

    Cooperdale was my old member name which you kindly changed when the site became TESNexus.
  2. giskarduk
    • member
    • 311 kudos
    Great idea Dark0ne

    The 0 to 10 vote always turned in to a 10 vote for everything and was abused constantly resulting in over worked moderators. So a thumbs up system like the kudos system is a brilliant idea.

    Gets my vote.

    PS a couple of users have said they have no voted because they do not understand the system your proposing, I told them its like the kudos, if they like a mod, they give it a thumbs up, the more thumbs up they get the more people like it. But if that is wrong then i do not understand it either.

  3. Ivy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I always read the comments before d/ling a mod, just to see what other's experiences with the mod have been. I don't vote until AFTER I have played with the mod- but I must be honest, this means there are many mods that I haven't gotten back to cast a vote. I think a honest comment and rating is constructive- and there is nothing wrong with a mod that has an average of 8-10, but I see that most don't feel that way, which is too bad. If you recieve an 8 out of ten rating, then your mod has recieved an 80% positive rating -nothing to be ashamed of.
    I really don't know the answer- there are too many childish people and words are too easily misunderstood, as well- but honestly it's too bad that the rating system dosen't work to encourage positive improvement of mods. A rating of 10 should mean that the mod is perfect- not that you like the modder, or that it is skimpy clothing, etc.

    Just my thoughts on it- too bad there is no easy solution-
    <img class=">
  4. Arilita
    • member
    • 69 kudos
    thumbs-up per download wouldn't do. Say, I have a small unknown mod, 100 downloads and 5 accidental thumbs up. That'll be 0,05. Now, a famous mod has, say, 220 ratings for 41000-odds downloads... even if all those ratings are above 7 and could be thumbs up, that'll be just 0.005 [0.00(5365 precisely]. People will then download (out of curiosity) the mod that popped up due to little downloads, and it will fall, but another one will appear... there's a hell lot of small mods here. (I calculated four my files against a mod that is currently in Top 100, all get a better rate... heh)
  5. buzzered
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    As has been said before: if we are to have any semblance of a decent rating system, users must not be allowed to vote before they download.

    If this restriction is implemented, could we then give each mod a score measured by 'thumbs-up per download'? While not perfect, it would be way better than what we have now.
  6. myrmaad
    • supporter
    • 239 kudos
    I'll be sifting through all the feedback soon but today is girlfriend day; she spent all of yesterday hurling up in a toilet so I think she needs some quality time!

    Aww! Good move. <img class=">
  7. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,913 kudos
    I'll be sifting through all the feedback soon but today is girlfriend day; she spent all of yesterday hurling up in a toilet so I think she needs some quality time!
  8. myrmaad
    • supporter
    • 239 kudos
    Dark0ne, any news or thoughts about this?
  9. SniperJS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    That, and with the mod backing of sites like this one it's perfect.
  10. SniperJS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Its an RPG FPS how could you not buy it?