Seyda Neen

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  1. JimmyRJump
    • premium
    • 242 kudos
    Simply stunning colours. Amazing.

    Along with Skyrim SE and Oblivion, I also re-installed the GOTY edition of Morrowind. Seeing the enormous progress modding has made it seemed like a good time to go through the game again. Looks as if I wasn't wrong. Only thing that holds me back slightly is that some mods seem to need some voodoo-rituals to get them installed. We'll see.
    1. arach32
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Thanks man!

      "need some voodoo-rituals" <-- :D You know... if memory serves, the Morrowind modding was probably the simplest and most straightforward of the three games I did. I seem to recall that it was almost "one-step", like there was one master installer pack (MGE XE, maybe) that basically put everything together, you just choose the options. On top of that I don't remember installing very many other mods... almost as if the main installer already provided 90%+ of the "best-of-the-best" for you (with options to choose during the install).

      The Oblivion modding process was long, multi-day for me, partly because I didn't want to rush it, and partly because the guide I followed simply was detailed and had a large number of components, some of them optional. But no single mod or group of mods was difficult to install or troublesome to run afterwards. I have to say that I messed around with the configuration of "Oblivion Reloaded" quite a bit, seeing what each of the various options do; there are many options for tuning performance and behavior.

      Skyrim+SSE what can I say... (and you're familiar with it).