Fall From Grace

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This user's image description contains 4 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Wonderful set of images, Psi! Love the red and black and the shadows and light. And PD is one of my favorite people. First time I ever saw his work was on F3 a few years ago and I just went, "WOW!" He's also a great guy! Take the word of a black cat. =^_^=
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Word! ^^

  2. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Excellent Work my dear Psij. You know how you make me speechless.
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Thanks much much
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    Yesterday, I had toubles, to see your description, but I'm iron...I came back ...and it was worthy
    Angelica in motion , this is awesome You have such a amount of technical knowledge...I'm everytime surprised.
    I read your conversation with raccoondance....about endorsements and comments....I think, you have always the choise of interpretation and you can answer or not, but when all is "off", you have nothing, only a message without reaction....but I think, when you send a message, you will know, what the people think
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Technical knowledge No, no... I have just been playing TES for a long time... I'm just a girl with a dream

  4. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 229 kudos
    My take on it is that Nietzsche was too busy delving into the depths of his own mind that he forgot to pay the electric bill. It's easy to mistake ones mirror for the abyss if your bathroom is pitch black.
    While this may or may not be the truth, I would refrain from bringing up that theory to a psychology professor! 
    Links are not working here, even if I keep reloading! Was this your plan all along?  EDIT: Links started working after 10 minutes, imgur hates animated gifs I guess
    Your post made me check out the etymology of the word Lich, which I always found to be funny, as the it feels misspelled... turns out the word it originates from is one I very familiar with! These English I tell ya, can't get a simple Nordic word right! 
    Saw ProtectorDrake's set earlier today, will have to go archive raiding there, could be fun.
    Psi, do you think that me turning off endorsements AND comments for those sets would be better. I usually hate images and sets like that, because they feel like dead ducks to me, but in that case it sort of makes sense, since their focus is the links they provide and not so much what I do. Currently it feels like this unholy mess that I'm not so sure about. 
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Psychology or philosophy?
      I studied Psychology and was 3 1/2 semesters away from my Masters. I never really studied Nietzsche in depth but I did take a primer in European philosophy. After all, the two subjects were intertwined back in that era. I have to admit I found it boring. I much preferred the Asian philosophy of Taoism. Of all the ancient and new age religions I have always loved the poetic structure in Taoism and other ancient Asian writings.

      I would no recommend turning off both Comments and Endorsements. Then it could be confusing for people. People do like to participate here. I turn off the endorsement feature so I can focus on the comments and the people who post them. If all I cared about was people telling me how great I am then I would turn off the comment feature and just keep the endorsements. If I wanted nothing to do with the lot of you I would turn them both off.

      Really, don't listen to my babbling at all. Do what feels right to you. Whatever you are doing so far is working. It is working real well. I wouldn't change a thing. People seem to like it and like you.

      Ya, ProtectorDrake is brilliant. You get a little of everything. She/he makes pictures in the CK, story boards, photoshop, you get the whole kit and caboodle and it is top notch stuff. I know you will like it.