Ascadian Idyll

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  1. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    Good to see an image from you again, Sonja :-) Awesome as always !!
    1. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Thank you, Fredlaus

      I really need to finish up the main quests in Bloodmoon and Tribunal, because I'm actually impatient to start Oblivion.. Perhaps because I have not played it nearly as much as Morrowind and Skyrim, and there are now some stunning graphics mods out there for it, so there will be some element of novelty.

      I'm also vaguely surprised I've stuck with the same Morrowind character since starting again. Usually, I get bored, and either begin a new character, or I switch to a different game... then by the time I get back to the original game, I just start again. I am REALLY trying to break that pattern and complete one before I begin the next.. It would be kind of fun to have the same character going through Morrowind and Oblivion, with her descendent showing up in Skyrim..

    2. fredlaus
      • account closed
      • 194 kudos
      That is a lovely idea. The story never ends actually :-)