Legend of Grimrock 2

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Hammer_Quest, your crew washed up on an island after their schooner crashed up some rocks. The crew are wandering the flooded beach when suddenly they fall into a submerged trapdoor!
The Trapdoor drops them down into a fiendish long abandoned underground dungeon, suddenly poison bolts begin hitting the crew, but they notice 2 wall levers - this is a perilous situation!

As your crew deal with the situation, your Minotaur suddenly remembers a tale of long ago - this Island is none other than "HAMMER ISLAND" the place where the prized Warhammer of long forgotten Warlord forefathers, was dragged into the foul depths by the wretched Rabid Spiders of the Plunder Storm
Could the crew possibly come across the Warhammer in this dungeon somewhere? If so, it's powers would undoubtedly be seismic cool power of ethnic proportions!


STEP 1, your crew are in a fast paced dangerous situation, quickly look out for two wall levers - 1 on the West wall and 1 on the East wall
STEP 2, everytime your crew are hit by a poison bolt, that means the poison bolt must have found a route to your crew
STEP 3, puzzle out how that route became free and move your crew to pull each of the levers mentioned at STEP 1
STEP 4, then .... grab the wall torch
STEP 5 move to the South East corner of the room avoiding the opposition, note the rotted CORPSE of some poor fool long ago killed down here
STEP 6 grab arrows, potions and WARHAMMER - now move N past the portcullis with the Runestone Necklace
STEP 7 turn left and move W straight on past stairs and 1 pressure plate, through ** a fake wall ** .... BLUE STONES CENTRAL !! yes here is your base!! note the location
STEP 8 find a series of ceiling lamps in the S passage, look, only 1 is alight, the others are dead
STEP 9 immediately below the only lit ceiling lamp, place an item down, secret cache opens


STEP A from STEP 9 continue along the passageway - it's long and windy, when you get to the BROKEN WALL, place an item on the floor to open a cache (MORTAR!)
STEP B move on to a crossroads several minutes further along.
STEP C at the crossroads go straight on to the BEACH S where your ship crashed (foraging)
STEP D using the Mortar found at STEP A create extra healing potions
STEP E return to the crossroads, go either way, West or East
STEP F for the sake of argument say west (slightly easier but not a lot in it)
STEP G descend to Castle, you now have 3 routes to choose, straight ahead to Basement Barracks or up Ladder 1 or Ladder 2
STEP H Ladder 2 is most advantageous here, so ascend it to find several rocks that could be used with a sling
STEP I from top ledge 2 you can look across to Top Ledge 1 and see what you what you would have gained from Ladder 1, viz. several cold arrows
STEP J before descending from Top Ledges, always look to see that you are only descending a short distance, a heavy fall will kill 1 or more team members
STEP K descend to Arena Stage, now from here prepare to descend to Basement Barracks (FIGHT!) be prepared
STEP L once you have finished in Basement then climb back out to Arena Stage, now descend to Arena and note the two Wooden Doors
STEP M you must return here later ... 1 of the wooden doors will then have opened! for now, head to the opposite wall where you see a trapdoor, take the items, trapdoor opens
STEP N you descend back to your starting point in THE DUNGEON: NOTE! remember how close you are to Blue Stones! return there !now! to tend to your crew
STEP O if you found the VINES cache just after the Barrels, then you can shortcut back to the passageways, otherwise you will have to go the long way around
STEP P return back to the crossroads as per STEP C, now whichever passage you skipped last time, choose now e.g. EASTERN
STEP Q descend to THE TOMB where you see 4 cages! fight the winged creatures and pull any lever you see to trigger the end cage
STEP S exit to BEACH N, carefully explore the entire Beach, in one corner of the Beach you see reeds standing straight up through the sea water, move next to them
STEP T you descend through a trapdoor to a RERUN OF THE original scenario as per STEP 1, figure it out all over again
STEP U this time one of the levers simply doesn't work so ... remember that CORPSE as mentioned in STEP 5? you must move next to it now, place an item through the bars of the gate onto the corpse
STEP V the gate opens - make your way now either to BLUE STONES or back to the Crossroads, you need to check the Castle for those Wooden Doors!!
STEP W as per STEP G descend to Castle, find the open wooden gate, inside are 2 caches, the first opens simply by placing a torch into an empty wall bracket, the second is found nearby, look out for overhead struts
STEP X enter the FOREST (foraging!!) then move onto the NW BEACH (Zarchtons)
STEP Y drop down the Arch Trapdoor back to Passages, find your way to nearby Blue Stones and in there a secret door has opened (NEW MISSION)
STEP Z move through Etheral Forest, find stairs to NW BEACH (Zarchtons) - drop down Arch Trapdoor (2) to very difficult underwater section

PLAN TO SOLVE very difficult underwater section I

> first of all this section must be completed in one go, quite difficult, your ambition is to find the EXIT, the gear key and the Iron key, so three things all at once!!
>> the exit is on the South East wall, the iron key is just North East of there and the Gear key
>> so when you drop in the water:: Find the Gear Key first - it is up ahead on your right (bang up against a wall) then move South East, pick up the Iron Key, then South to the EXIT
>>> you may have to use 1 Blue Crystal if you have any to get the time you need to do this
>> if you do not get the 2 keys on exiting the flooded hall your mission is failed because you only get one chance
> assuming you got both keys, well done - the next flooded mission is not that hard!
> use the Iron Key to make your way off the S Landing Stage

PLAN TO SOLVE difficult underwater section II
> to get to this you must fight your way through the Advanced Tomb (you find the CROSSBOW)
>> once through the super high section of the Tomb, you enter difficult underwater section II
>> once in the deep, move straight ahead to W Wall and ladder stack, (wooden ladder, Scaled Cloak) exit to dry floor (SKULL)
>>> now jump back in move past the tower with only half a ladder to the double stack and there is the Gear Key
>> Return to W Wall and ladder stack exit - you should now have 2 Gear Keys, so unlock the nearby Twin Portcullises
>> SECRETS! move to NW landing stage, see the dirt on the floor? drop an item into the water here! secret door opens
>> SECRETS! move along through, look up high - there is 1 torch missing! place an item on the ground below the missing torch, secret door opens