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About this mod

Add 15 new Homeworld themed banners to the game.

Permissions and credits
Add 15 new banners using logos from the Homeworld videogame series. They need the construction 1 research (which will probably be the first one you'll research anyway), and cost 1 fabric each to build. Once unlocked they'll appear in the BANNERS category.

From left to right in the screenshot with all the banners :
-Taaidan Empire
-Taaidan Republic
-Turanic Raiders

Installation :
-Unzip the mod in the mod folder in your Kenshi main directory (on steam C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kenshi\mods). It should be Kenshi/Mods/Banners HW
-Enable the mod on the Kenshi launcher


Uninstall :
-Disable the mod through the launcher
-Delete the "Banners HW" inside your Kenshi/mods folder

Special thanks to Nanogiraffe for his guide :

They are grey on white, and I tried to give them a "washed out" feeling. I'm open to suggestion though.

Known issue (minor):
-They follow the ground instead of the building when built. Might be weird looking sometimes.