Fallout 4


  1. BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
    • premium
    • 339 kudos
    To spoiler the quest/functionality/unlock progression a bit:
    First stage of quest allows collection of:
    -Book to unlock building of Boat base itself

    Second stage (after collection of first book/stage completion) is:
    -Book to unlock Boat workbench to allow building of attachments wherever you can build stuff
    -Book to unlock Tiny Home attachments to be built

    Third stage (after collection of both books from second stage):
    -Book to unlock Guards
    -Book to unlock more Gun variations
    -Sailboat body
    -Fishing boat body

    All books in each stage need to collected before can progress to next stage, but not all books need to be collected in that stage if nothing in the following stage is of interest.
    Also, the books within a stage itself need not be collected in any specific order.

    As for building the actual boats (when that is made possible during quest progression), there’s a category in the workshop menu where you will build the base of the boat and a workbench.
    Usually the category appears all the way to the right in the main workshop menu.

    Then just build unlocked parts from the built workbench and equip them onto the boat (like you would a companion).

    Once you get the Breakdown (various things cause a breakdown, also it's really obvious when you've broken down):
    -Get out of the vehicle.
    -Look at vehicle and press R to 'Do Stuff'.
    -Click 'Breakdown' menu option.
    -Click the options to see what happened.
    -Once you find the issue, it will direct you to build 'Mechanics Tool Box'.
    -Go into workshop mode, build a 'Mechanics Tool Box'.
    -Use 'Mechanics Tool Box'.
    -Notification should pop up right there that you've done your thing and everything is fixed.

    ...or can just destroy a boat, any boat, and that will clear it. Blow it up, hit 'Self Destruct, scrap it.
    (DO NOT KILL THE BOAT WITH COMMAND CONSOLE...I cannot stress this enough, command console usage is not supported in any way...Teh Bad Things Will Happen...seriously)

    ...now, if you did that and it still didn't clear, Bug report it please.
  2. BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
    • premium
    • 339 kudos
    With this new version, 0.95.8, it's to build a new boat base (from the Boats category in main workshop) to transfer the pieces from old boat to new,
    then get rid of old boat base piece.
    Also, and this goes for any mod really, best to keep a save from before updating in case need to go back to old version.

    Something new with 0.95.8:
    -Sometimes on game load, fast travel or zone back to where boat is, it will become a bit out of shape or slow or slightly out of position (more often on the boats that are just sitting around, doing nothing, as fallen into disuse...if you have more than one boat.)
    Go into it's inventory and un-equip body, then re-equip body and exit inventory (boat will flicker a bit).
    I'm looking at this as a game mechanic (though, admittedly, an odd one), in that the boat if left alone will kinda fall apart, so needs 3 seconds of your involvement to correct it again.
    ...I mean, come on, the thing was made by a Lawyer/Soldier that learned how to make them from a few magazines...they are just flat out bound to fall apart often.
  3. ReaperTai
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    I just want to say thank you everybody for all the wonderful feedback. We do test on several machines before release but it is impossible to test with every possible setup and you guys are giving great information instead of "you broke my game you bastards" and we really appreciate it.
  4. PrimeConey
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    not everything has to be a fkin quest my god bro fk.
    and it would be nice to have some damn instructions like how to put the fking boat body into the got damn water!!!
  5. Asterisk777
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is it workable after the game update?
  6. FiniasTex
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    My issue is the controls. Are all boats the same speed?
  7. KingKaliber01
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Are you ever going to update this mod to iron out the issues or is it dead?
    1. boxerbeast1
      • member
      • 4 kudos
    2. TheYungGun
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  8. Parahedronix
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Could you please make the notice messages (of like "underwater" or "dont have tiny house") less fucking obnoxious? I would slap that disembodied voice thirty times if I could.
  9. alibiswk
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    this and the jeeps crash for me on pressing the workshop , the stags work weirdly 

    look like CHW classic holstered weapon system causes the crash
  10. WaverWX
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Pretty fun mod, but I'd appreciate a version that doesn't alter the world spaces at all save for placing the magazines. 
  11. Arkejan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, can i get book ID from Mahkra Fishpacking, co i can spawn it? I have America Rising 2, which use this factory, and probably beacuse of that i dont have option to get this book. Marker ask me to enter factory, byt when enter, it show me to exit...
  12. Lizard815hd16
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Constant CTD using the workshop when I pass throught the boat menu its not stable
    1. FNVPlayer85
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      The solution to Fatal Error for me will presumably be following this - You cannot reach the icon of this mod in menu in construction option until you have found some books, but there remains one more problem, it's unclear how many of them and where they are.

      In addition, you may have conflicts with other mods in the future, which you will find out later, as you progress through the quest, and glitches of working with partners with everything else that you can meet in mentions in various comments.
    2. FNVPlayer85
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      This demonstration from DiscoGnome might be helpful - https://youtu.be/UJgFPYlTA0Y?si=pc22BBLUT41w-Dts
  13. LeDanonien
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is BY FAR the worst mod on the nexus

    so buggy random lag spike that corrects only by restarting the game and to top it theres is random breakdowns happening when youre in the middle of the sea

    boat cant save their location so 3/4 of the time when you get out it goes back to where you picked it 1st (fn when you crossed half the map (it doesnt disappear its just shitty coding)
    1. kanami24
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I would suggest making a completely new game. as in, delete all of your saves -- period. make a new bash patch if you use wyre bash. disable all plugins just to do the beginning part of the game where you go into the vault. and then ofcourse leave vault 111, re-enable all plugins and there you go.

      there might also be a mod compatibility issue on your part, conflicting scripts, etc.

      the reason I state this -- I have used this mod over 10 TEST playthroughs where I test mods and goof around and not actually play the game. and even then I have never experienced any issues. I am deffinetely not the type to defend a mod, but to say its the worse? that is not factual as this mod is way more useful than any vertibird mod seeing that you can atleast use it to explore and attack places near water. its just fun especially in far harbor. as for lag spikes and etc. that can be a number of things. your rig, as mentioned before mod conflictions, how much free data you have left over on your drive due to the nature of f04, etc. etc.
    2. royyeadon
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      It is very buggy
    3. JoeAtl
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      When it works, it is very cool and really makes sense for Boston. I could even put up with the occasional sinking/disappearing bug. But it got to the point I couldn't move forward with any quest because I was repairing/rebuilding the boat all the time. And the repair section was apparently written by an adolescent stoner, kinda funny the first time I read through it., dead boring every time after. A real shame, it has a lot of potential but is apparently abandoned. If there was some way to turn off the repair section (or completely rewrite it so it is more like the rest of the game instead of a Beavis and Butthead episode) , It would be a must have mod.
    4. JONA
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      JoeAtl could not have put it better! A superb mod tarnished by too many breakdowns and the (rather silly) breakdown dialogues. The jet pads hovercraft is incredibly versatile and can get you over some impressive obstacles, such as 10foot chain link fences! Really it is almost a cheat item. It isn't quite as handy as a jet pack but.. The standard skirted hovercraft (a superb piece of modelling and my preferred boat) is fully amphibious and is very handy, the caveat of course is if you mostly stay OFF the water. A mid river or mid ocean breakdown is almost an abandon ship situation and then go build a new boat. Save regularly and reload the saves... It makes survival mode, for which it is a god send, very interesting indeed!  /:
    5. SamPlatte
      • BANNED
      • 9 kudos
      Worst mod on the nexus? Are you mentally disabled?
    6. JONA
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Personally even with the occasional bugs and issues, I'd say this mod is a <must have> and I've just down loaded the Jeep version for a change!
    7. BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
      • premium
      • 339 kudos
      apparently written by an adolescent stoner
      Darn, I done been found out!
      <runs away...at a slow pace...wobbly-so...while bumping into things...'cause stoner...apparently>

      Feel free to post a patch on Nexus, mastering to this, that adds more variety to the breakdown messages, changes the narrator messages to have a less sarcastic/berating tone, or removes the breakdown feature altogether.
      I've mentioned it several times before, that I would allow patches for the breakdown stuff (and other specific things)...but, conspicuously, no one ever creates a patch and posts it...so...<shrug>
    8. YouDoNotKnowMyName
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      ?this is BY FAR the worst mod on the nexus

      so buggy random lag spike that corrects only by restarting the game and to top it theres is
      random breakdowns happening when youre in the middle of the sea

      boat cant save their location so 3/4 of the time when you get out it goes
      back to where you picked it 1st (fn when you crossed half the map (it
      doesnt disappear its just shitty coding)

      Well, then make a better mod yourself!
      Take a look at the "shitty coding" and try to fix it!
      By doing that you would realize how hard it is to make something like this that the game engine doesn't really support (moving vehicles).

      It's funny how complaints like this always come from people who have NO experience with actually creating mods ..
      Because if you had any experience / knowledge about modding (as in "creating mods", not just "installing mods") then you clearly would not be so rude, but you'd be impressed that something like this can actually be done!
    9. Nalushedesh
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      One doesn't have to be a professional chef to know if a steak is burnt, YouDoNotKnowMyName.

      That said, kudos to the mod author for giving permission to make patches, and for not taking personal offense at honest critique (unlike some people).
    10. cVcNEX
      • supporter
      • 249 kudos
      hang on, did he just compare slapping a slab of meat into a frying pan with writing a papyrus script?
    11. dpsampson
      • member
      • 12 kudos

      Well it's really easy to overcook a slice of pork where it's more like a slice of rubber... -- Just as it's easy to 'miss some coding stuff' along the lines and lines of fascinating combinations of endless characters, like brackets AND those other ones.
    12. yyyy321543651341
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So is this mod dead or not? There's a lot of potential here if you committed to fixing it. If you aren't willing i really encourage you to pass the mod onto someone you know will take it the whole way. Gameplay + Lore would benefit a lot from a fleshed out version of this
    13. PhoenixKnight13
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      The insults and lack of regard for the author on this post and others are almost as hilarious as the authors dialogue on the mod lol. I would say you should all be ashamed of your s#*! behavior, rude comments, and general lack of being decent human beings... but you're obviously a bunch of intolerant no-patience millennial asshats and it would be a waste of breath I think.
      Just because a mod is buggy does in no way make it broken, 'burnt', or otherwise deserving of such pathetic commentary. You obviously have no clue how much time, effort, critical thinking and problem solving is put into things like this, I used to be a programmer/software developer I should know. Honest critique and constructive criticism is one thing, most of these are just downright rude and unnecessary. If you don't like something, try politely asking for a modification/patch, or maybe actually learn how to use FO4Edit yourself? If you can use your brain enough to install a mod, it's not much more difficult for minor edits in FO4Edit such as changing text messages. If you don't have the patience for either of these options, f*#@ off back to TikTok and be done with it instead of trying to take out your pissy teenage angst on someone that spent Force knows how many hours trying to make this work purely for the good of the gamer collective and for free with no pay, ffs.
      Kudos to the people actually being kind in their criticism, the rest of you should really rethink your decisions in life.
    14. FNVPlayer85
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So, no modder, based on reviews, no enthusiasts, no one will publish a patch or other options. Well, at least it saved the community from false hopes for development. But the idea of a floating boat was interesting in any case. Sailing on a boat will probably work only in GTA games. Once again, I am convinced that the simpler, the better, when it just works.