Fallout 4

About this mod

We've got flying exploding giddyup buttercups and a poor excuse for ballpark music, we got weapons theft, we got excessively bloody live slaughtering, we got giant people pots, we got sticky hot pink globs, impromptu high-explosive bridges and dastardly mimics inhabiting everyday objects, and, finally, we got what amounts to killer marbles.

Permissions and credits
  • Russian
TILT! a little towards the gruesome and the baroque with this "out there" weird weapons pak for the Contraptions DLC. Like a fine Spaghetti Western you've a choice but ambling collection of the good stuff, and it goes down easy.

Come on down to Diamond City Surplus, aka Myrna's house:

We've got flying exploding giddyup buttercups and a poor excuse for ballpark music, we got weapons theft, we got excessively bloody live slaughtering, we got giant people pots, we got sticky hot pink globs, impromptu high-explosive bridges and dastardly mimics inhabiting everyday objects, and, finally, we got a pale recreation of a popular kid's game about torturing a marble that nevertheless does a capable job of beating up a corpse.

Pony Pitch - a craftable grenade which when thrown very near an NPC,
explodes to spawn a very odd pitching machine, which also launches these
Giddyup Buttercups. The grenades produce a random explosion in addition
to creating more pitching machines, if the explosion was far enough
away. Crouch while activating pitching machine to dismantle.

Pittsburgh Stealer - shoot at most NPCs to immediately equip their
weapon. If you are crouched when the shot hits, the weapon will be in
copy mode -- the NPC will still have their weapon equipped.

Far Go Pack N' Blow - hit an NPC to have a demonic hopper spawn, which
will violently and impractically butcher said NPC.

Insatio Hoardblower - shoot to spawn a giant Junk Mortar, that attempts
to pull all the NPCs and loose items in the area into it for at least
one shot. The mortar is a bit undersized for Diamond City. If the cannon
has recently fired, crouch-activate to start the dismantling process.
Only one Hoardblower cannon per area is recommended.

Pinball Whizzah - shoot at an NPC to turn them into a metal ball, which
will be positioned at the top of a small temporary track. Activate the
ball to free the hapless NPC. Or don't. They will faithfully roll to
follow you in an area. Crouch-shoot to designate another NPC, and the
balls will swarm attack them. The balls will follow you until dismissed
or disappeared and swarm the last target whenever crouched, regardless
of keeping the weapon out.

Nug Yerp - vaguely like the GLOO cannon from Prey, this "sweded" homage
shoots balls you can use for climbing purposes. The balls are also
"sticky", disabling any NPC who comes too close until they are activated.
You can explode them for a chain reaction. Crouch-firing this weapon
spawns a Mimic, which will attack when NPCs get too close.