Fallout 4

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  1. Kentington
    • member
    • 345 kudos
    Update 1.1 fixes a bug with first-person view while wearing Power Armor and using a charging barrel. It also adds a Legendary attach point for mod compatibility purposes.

    If you can't see the flamethrower projectile (even in long bursts) please try the alternate file I uploaded. It uses a different AddOnNode ID and may not conflict with other mods. If this helps you, please send me your load order so I can figure out which mod is causing the conflict.
  2. HeroHammer
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    What happened to E Pluribus Unum? That sounded so unbelievably awesome
    1. justcallmedots
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      well its 2023 and i think the mod author left the modding scene
  3. sigmaceti21
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    will you ever make version with level list?
  4. deleted30458645
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Awesome Gun

    The mods and the way you can customize the weapon is really interesting
  5. Glormac
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Is E Pluribus Unum dead?
  6. Fede300
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Is there a possibility of adding this mechanics? The gun takes too much screen

    Laser weapons 1st person reposition
  7. bloxyman
    • member
    • 100 kudos
    This WIP mod had potential, but I'm pretty sure it's been scrapped by now. Why?
  8. piecheese10
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    So, um, where are the meshes for the stock and grip? I can't find them in the .BA2 file. Are they just reused from the main game?
  9. antistar
    • premium
    • 1,588 kudos
    Hey Kentington. I just tried to send this to you in a PM, but it said you can't receive any PMs at the moment, so I'll try to post it here instead. I'm not sure how this will be formatted in the comments section; it may be a royal mess if not viewed in the forum thread. Here goes:

    Hello - I saw that you have a fix in your Union Blaster mod for tactical light omods not working properly when the weapon is holstered. I'm including a number of taclights in WARS and was interested in incorporating a similar fix.

    There was no script source included in your mod, so I used Champollion to decompile the Union Blaster weapon script - hope you don't mind. I modified the script a little, just to remove the recycler-related stuff, and got this:


    ScriptName WARSTacLightFixScript extends ObjectReference

    ;-- Properties --------------------------------------
    Keyword Property FlashlightKeyword Auto
    Armor Property DummyArmor Auto

    ;-- Variables ---------------------------------------
    bool flashlightOn

    ;-- Functions ---------------------------------------

    Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
    If (asEventName == "weaponDraw")
    If (Self.hasKeyword(FlashlightKeyword) && !flashlightOn)
    akSource.addItem(DummyArmor as Form, 1, True)
    (akSource as Actor).equipItem(DummyArmor as Form, True, True)
    (akSource as Actor).PlaySubGraphAnimation("pipboyLightOff")
    (akSource as Actor).PlaySubGraphAnimation("pipboyLightOn")
    flashlightOn = True
    ElseIf (asEventName == "weaponSheathe")
    If (flashlightOn)
    (akSource as Actor).unequipItem(DummyArmor as Form, False, True)
    akSource.removeItem(DummyArmor as Form, 1, True, None)
    flashlightOn = False

    Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
    Self.unregisterForAnimationEvent(akActor as ObjectReference, "weaponDraw")
    Self.unregisterForAnimationEvent(akActor as ObjectReference, "weaponSheathe")
    akActor.unequipItem(DummyArmor as Form, False, True)
    akActor.removeItem(DummyArmor as Form, 1, True, None)
    flashlightOn = False

    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    Self.registerForAnimationEvent(akActor as ObjectReference, "weaponDraw")
    Self.registerForAnimationEvent(akActor as ObjectReference, "weaponSheathe")
    flashlightOn = False

    It compiled without errors, but doesn't seem to work in-game; I still get the light from the tactical light pointing off in a weird direction when the weapon is holstered.

    As far as I can tell I set up everything else the same way you did in your mod; added the script to the weapons, made a new keyword and added it to the taclight omods, reproduced the dummy armour item you have, and filled out the properties for those things in the script instances on the weapon records.

    I don't suppose you have any idea what I might be missing? (E.g. maybe the script didn't decompile properly?) It'd be much appreciated, but I'd understand if you don't have the time to spare on this.

    1. carsidious23
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey I know this post is almost a year old, but what is the script source for the U.B.? Thanks!
    2. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,588 kudos
      On the off chance that the source scripts were not included because Kentington actively didn't want them to be distributed, I'm not going to just copy-paste them in here; it wouldn't feel right.

      You can use Champollion to decompile the scripts though, like I did.
  10. sunday44
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    this thing is beautiful. good job
  11. Spectre5342
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Has your upcoming mod E Plurbus Unum been shelved or scrapped. I was so excited when I heard about it in November 2017 that I started a new file dedicated to the brotherhood being my enemies in preparation. But that was nearly 3 months ago , please tell me you haven't given up on it yet.