Fallout 4

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  1. hoax2
    • premium
    • 119 kudos
    - 0.3a overall sculpt updates: rounder look. improvements makeup and colouring
    - 0.2a overall sculpt updates: particularly improvements to jawline. new hair selection
    - 0.1a upload first draft

    Possible Backlog / Roadmap
    - Decrease mouth size a bit?
    - Bring lower jaw forward+down?
    - Create textures/Normals for dimples / marionette lines
    - Create textures/Normals for under-lip chin crease
  2. Zakzahn
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Not one I'm going to use, but just wanted to tell you that you did a really good job, it's a great likeness.
  3. kudrag87
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Great preset MANY THX !!!
  4. aero64
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Not bad, but i'm still waiting for better version...
    1. hoax2
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      I agree.
  5. TophuGG
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've been trying to do this myself to no avail. Then I stumbled upon that and it's just what I've been looking for! Great work, and I'm looking forward to any future updates.
  6. HyperboreanFlame
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Can you please ad it for XB1 ?
    1. hoax2
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      1 - The fallout script extender isn't on xbox - something this mod relies on.
      2 - I don't own an xbox so I could never guarantee good support.

      Can you download PC save-files for XB1? If you can, that would probably be the only way to ship it to you, but you'd also have to start a new game. :(
  7. Augh3d
    • member
    • 78 kudos
    Not sure the eyes are actually too low. Bethesda were generous enough to give everyone like 8 inches of forehead, so that basically fucks proportion from the getgo. Most ported hairstyles are about 120% of correct scale and sat really really high on the skull too, so I'd avoid looking upward when deciding proportions generally. The very distinctive eyes and lips are basically there, lower face could be a smidge taller and rounded out some more (this is another very distinctive and kinda curious aspect of Felicity's face), you might think about dropping her cheekbones slightly too, F4 cheekbones are kinda wierd in 3/4 view always though. Seems like her chin is pulled up pretty high, perspective isn't great in creator either, could try changing fov now and then while you work, it can help at times. I'd say youre 90% of the way there, and you definitely nailed the trickier aspects. It's a nice preset, don't be too modest!

    Keep going keep going.
    1. hoax2
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Aww shucks, thanks for the confidence boost; written good critique is hard to come by so thanks for that!

      All good advice I'll def try to attempt to make it better, do you know if there are any mods that add sliders to the looksMenu it's so very unruly when you're waving the cursor about while the charicter is moving.

      I'm also looking for something that can add those semi-dimples that she has at the corner of her mouth.
    2. Augh3d
      • member
      • 78 kudos
      It's no problem at all, thanks yourself for the kind words =D For slider stuff in looksmenu, I don't know much about the pitfalls of cursors, but the reason might actually be worth trying if you're able - I play on pad, and come to think of it, I think it might be very forgiving for doing looksmenu work by comparison.

      The dimples you can achieve by finding or creating the right normals map, also gonna have a huge effect on the preset overall, so mesh tweaks are gonna be all about the broad strokes and kinda foundation. If this isn't something you can generate from scratch (huge majority of us), it's usually possible to either photoslop in an existing asset or use one as a guide. That specifically has been an area I've never managed to brew up or locate a map for that I'm entirely happy with myself.

      I kinda want to suggest Ciri hair for Jyn's hairstyle, but it's actually not all that similar, and it's maybe the single most overused mod asset out there. Might be worth looking into some of the mods that combine vanilla hairstyles together, there's a couple with literally a hundred combinations, think they are the "Lots More X Hairstyles" ones. Some of them are really cool and they're less played out too. Less existing associations means people bring less baggage with them, more likely to see your target character than whatever the hair reminds them of previously. The less beaten path is a good one.

      Kinda difficult to discuss this stuff without rambling and I'm sure none of it is really news, but you know how it is talking about something that you're into.

      Will be watching with interest!

      Edit: Oh yeah! I stumbled across your Deckard coat from stopping in here, I love it.
    3. hoax2
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Totes digging your rambling, I always enjoy talking shop.
      New updates.. Super keen to hear your thoughts?

      • Your hair suggestion has lead me to this style which I think is closer
      • Increased the face creases a smidgen.
      • I turned down the mouth corners a bit more.
      • New hair and longer face seems to make the forehead less of an issue too.
      • I made her nose smaller and straightened the bridge, I also pulled the 'full nose' forward bit more for that Disney look she has.
      • I goofed about with the eyes not sure I'm happy with that choice yet. I did it because she has quite round upper eyelids I went with the 'wide' ones thinking I could then pull up the upper eyelids to round them, and flatten the lower eyelids to get a more accurate shape.
      • I've lowered the jaw and attempted to round out.. It's hard because the fallout chin either goes fat and chunky or pointy, not round. But I feel like I've started to get that good silhouette shape in 3/4 view. I found that making "cheeks" wider worked well for roundness, but that lower jowls looks too droopy. She still needs a jawline but just a rounder one.

      I prob could make normals for the dimples by referencing the creases texture, then if i have to I could replace some of the scars or acne pitting extras. But thats a much bigger project
    4. hoax2
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      I've got a third iteration uploaded now. See change log above
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I would like to see a replacement for the female companions.
  9. vascodagamma
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Check out any '60's Godard film & tell me she doesn't look just like Anna Karina.
  10. xxxAlexHxxx
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Well i think the haircut you choose for her in the screenshot are not good to make her look like jyn erso. You should try Hairstyles from Azar. Also the eyes are too low try to put them a little higher. Its a work in progress so i might wait a little bit to see how it goes but at this moment i don't find her that similar to the actress . But I like it as a preset.
    1. hoax2
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Yeah I agree; getting the hair right will go a long way to making the preset believable. The hard part is it's such a unique style, it's like a centre parted bob that's been tied back?
  11. ixov
    • supporter
    • 33 kudos
    Bethesda loves forehead