Fallout 4
ARES Android Andrea

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  1. lea113
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any news on this yet?
  2. Tessiia
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Was this mod abandoned? Can't find anything on it. 
    1. Ryuktheshinigami
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I got an update in April 2020. Here is what DizzasterJuice said
      - "Thanks. "ARES Androids" is getting its own game on Unreal Engine 4. We will be finishing up work on "Offworld: The Plateau" in the next two years then turning our full attention to ARES. I'll have more info in the next few months. " 
      I never followed up though.
  3. Theshadow2699
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any updates or an ETA?
  4. misikayukine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    lol cant wait for this mod hope there will be a ETA soon on it i will download and install it instantly.
  5. scauce
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Cant wait for this mod to come out if it is going to
  6. njgamer69
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
  7. njgamer69
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
  8. Kinuko
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Will our characters be able to equip these armors? Specifically, the full-body one in the third picture?
    1. DizzasterJuice
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Yes BUT, you will probably have to start a new character as you did in all new races in previous Fallout and Elder Scrolls games. I won't be able to answer specifically until the new GECK/CK is released but since FO4 is based off of the same engine as Skyrim, I can probably guess that your skills will get all screwed up if you change races mid-game just like they did in Skyrim. Races are handled a bit different in FO4 so I'm not entirely sure yet.
    2. Kinuko
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Wait, why would you have to change races? Why not just add it as an equippable armor? o.O
    3. DizzasterJuice
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Playable races are mainly about immersion. Nude body is android, not human. Armors that change your body appearance have never done very well. The main difference is body and face texture is a different selection and you get all the perks in a new race. Androids have a higher resistance to radiation and kinetic damage and are immune to poison, but more susceptible to energy damage.
    4. coolnameswertakin
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Are you waiting till the geck is out and you have a mod page up or is there an info dump somewhere? Maybe a blog post or something? I would love to read through what you have planned with this, I love the idea of playing as a synthetic humanoid. Got so excited on the road to the game release thinking it might be possible in vanilla but alas, no such luck.

      Again though I must say, very excited to see where this is going. Between your "Ares" mod, the "Daughters of ares", a half a million other mods(a geck hackjob or two) and just a very thoroughly butchered nv install I managed a half decent immersive synthetic RP playthrough but I can only imagine what is possible with F4, so much is already there in the game it almost makes you wonder WHY it isn't a vanilla option to go so far into helping the synths you just become one..... Or maybe the Brotherhood got their version of a Thule society and got weird.... Whatever, I'm just so glad to see you still working on this.

      (As an aside if you ever want to discuss or bounce ideas off a fanatical robot / android / cyborg / synth etc. fan, feel free to pop me a message or two. I'd be thrilled to lend a hand any way I can.)
    5. DizzasterJuice
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Yeah I'm waiting on the GECK release before I go any further. You have to use the GECK to make a new race and to make quests. This mod will have both.

      I've been posting updates mostly in my webcomics but I'll probably start a thread in the Nexus forums some time soon.
    6. EasyxEA
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I don't know if anyone has yet but making the race maybe like an optional transformation once you finish the Institute quest line on top of being able to pick the race? Kind of an optional thing that adds more pizzazz for the Institute.
  9. MLeonhardt
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
  10. Ruiwen
    • member
    • 181 kudos
    Wow! Cool stuff! Really liking your work.
    1. DizzasterJuice
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thanks! This is only a fraction of all the stuff I've made for them in the last few years.