Fallout 4
Lightning Final Fantasy set3

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  1. humphoe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So beautiful~ May I know what mod did you use to did this? Or could you share this face? I hope to make 1 of her~
    1. kitozu
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Guess the world will never know sad :C
    2. KaneRonnie
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      damn I wanted to download final fantasy mods but the only mods that we could get is from commonwealth cuts with appchisky combined hair mod becuz it has jihl nabaat hair style. I wanted to know what kind of website that has final fanasty mods I know it has FF7 mods that's the only thing closest thing right now. BTW fallout 4 is very young released in nov 2015 that's 5 years old. you'll have to wait another couple of years more before you get more FF mods. You could look for other sites besides nexus like filefront but they don't have that much mods that we wanted and it copyrighted issues that we may not get them. You could send a request to make mods based on final fantasy 13 or 15 what every kind of games you want but some are very greedy others will or wont do it. I right im happy to play as nabaat I made her very sexy. I feel ya how you feel I will be damned if they don't do it.