Fallout 3

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About this video


Created in 2012

Based on the Fallout series following the stories of soldiers in the
Brotherhood of Steel. I create these out of love for Fallout and it's

This particular episode is 1 year in the making. I do all the shots, editing, including sound and a lot of the dialog. Since I
can't script, there are NO scripted scenes in this machinima. It was all
done by being patient in taking shots and scene setup in the G.E.C.K.
I have 2 close friends who help me with dialog and story continuity.

-- STORY --

One week after Commander McAle's escape from The Capitol Building....

This story follows a female Brotherhood Agent named Marla Rayfield.
At a young age she was pulled into the Brotherhood. After making it to
Paladin, she joined a Recon Program created by Paladin Commander William
Chegnar. This program has highly trained B.o.S. Agents spread along the
wasteland in hidden outposts. Trained to spy, disprupt and report
whenever possible via encoded weekly messages. Marla is sent out to find
a missing agent and after finding his abandoned outpost, things go bad.
Alone, with only her training to guide her, she faces an entire enclave
force bent on exploiting the outpost for their own ends. --THANKS!--

Big thanks to all the supporters. I wish I could crank them out faster but
its not easy to come up with ideas. One thing leads to another and in
the end something great is completed.

HUGE thanks to the creators of the Mods* featured in this Machinima. They are the real stars!

Of course, Thank you to Sadat and Lokan.

This FULL release of EPISODE 2 was slightly remastered including audio changes and minor fixes.