Fallout 3

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Changes most posters in the Wasteland

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I felt that most of the graphic art in FO3 didn't follow the 50's-like retro-futuristic theme. Some didn't felt "right" in a FO setting. Others were just plain ugly.

This is my humble approach at what I felt was fitting. I'm far from being a professional, and know little to nothing about art tools, but some of the stuff is considerably better than vainilla's.

1st pallet:
Changed the "sign up now for a vault" for FO1's "Vault of the Future" ad (Vault 13 map).
Changed the "vaul-tec, we'll be there" with the poorly drawn Vault Boy, for a pic with the colored version of FO1's intro movie Vault Boy, hand waving from Vault 13.
Changed the "lend a hand for Uncle Sam". I felt it was anachronistic (flag with full stars) & didn't keep with the style.Putted a circa WWII recruiting poster with Uncle Sam (besides, it seemed odd to have a propaganda poster with Uncle Sam on the ground).
Canged the "where will you be when the holocaust comes?" it was poorly drawn, dind't fit with the theme, and I personally dind't like the word "holocaust" (even if its a greek word, and its FO alternate history). It has a different context. Putted a poster I came up by stiching several vintage Civil Defense posters together. I felt Vault Tec more "falloutish" than CD.

2nd pallet:
Changed the "Giddyup Buttercup", that was plain ugly, for a modified Coca-Cola (Nuka-Cola), circa 50's poster.
Sugar Bombs remains the same. Its one of the few I felt confortable about.
changed the "Mr. Handy". I dind't like the way they changed the classic Mr Handy (even if its supposed to be V2.0). I putted a good ol' Cat's Paw ad.
changed the "Captain Cosmos". It was the worst. It felt like it was something out of a 80's TV show. I added a 40's Captain Future with modified titles.

3rd. pallet:
changed the "courage today, victory tomorrow" for FO1's soldier in T-51b power armor with a background 13 star flag (remember ther WERE color cameras back in 2077, see Necropolis and the CODAC 9000)
The Museum of Technology seemed... ODD... but, what the hell I didn't came up with anything better, and it had important mission related info.
changed the "Buy war bonds" for a WWII classic that I modified to have a 13 state flag, with combat armor clad soldiers wielding R91 assault rifles.
I liked "Freddys House of Horrors".

4th pallet:
Changed the "Radiation King". It felt so, so, sooooooo wrong. Putted in a classic TV taken fron FO1 intro, with the no signal "indian" background and the Radiation King classic logo.
changed the "howaizer" nurse that I found hurtful to the eyes for a modified pinup poster plus a real WWII propaganda poster.
Changed one of the two "Super Duper Mart" ads. I didn't liked it. Putted an unmodified WWII poster (seen in FO2 intro)

I tried to keep with the theme and don't fall too far from their vainilla counterparts. The replacers are roughly their equivalents.

Galaxy News Network (GNN) was the major news (if not the only in the monopolystic universe of FO) and owned Radio an TV stations that spread the gov's propaganda across the US. I took the classic logo from FO1's intro, throwed in some color, changed the background, and... voilá!

Vault Tec's Vault ad. I'm not very happy with this one, and might change it in the future.

"I Want You for US Army". A modified US recruiting poster (circa WW) to fil a billboard.

"Try Blades Razors". Is my take on the classic billboard seen in FO1 in the "turf" of the Blades gang, LA Bonyard.

Captain Cosmos. A modified Captan Future comic to fit the billboard. I always figured Galaxy owned everything so I put their logo too.

"NOTHING can stop a Highwayman". That's what Smitty from FO2 tells us about our dear ol' car, and I used it as catch phrese for the ad. I took some liberty with the companys logo. Overall: its a modified 1956 Chevrolet Bel air ad. Changed the color, the front, the lights, putted in some wings, throwed in a v-8 engine on top of the hood, and changed the tires to look more 21st century.
A lot of love went to this puppy, and I'm really proud of it.

"The Vault of the Future". FO1's map for Vault 13 is back, this time in the form of a billboard. It never grows old.

"Have a Nuka!". Of course: a modified Coca-Cola ad.

"Buy War Bonds (and stamps)". Uncle Sam strikes again! This time he's after your purse and your pockets. Capitalists, beware!