Fallout 3
The Dunwich Building

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  1. Benbenben
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    Nice to see Willow in the DC wasteland. Cool comic of this creepy place
  2. prensa
    • supporter
    • 293 kudos
    Kpnut - Hello!

    I love the Dunwich building!
    So creepy & quite a unique experience to explore.

    I love those eerie flashes of the past & anyone else notice that door that opens of it's own accord when you pass?

    I loved the "Give us a hug" & "We have cookies" Ghouls in your story.

    Cool pose with the katana in the top picture & really like those holo tags.

  3. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    I visited that place three times - the first, last and only.........! Would probably have been more fun if Cris had been my companion Good one.