Dragon Age: Inquisition
Diva's Life Is Out Of Control

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  1. Kuschel-Drow
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    Woah! What happened to my favorite commander? :O
    He looks like just coming back from a long summer-holiday. Pretty tanned for a Ferelden.
    1. Amanda90XD
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      That's just my reshade. It really adds to the orange lighting in the war room & Haven and just makes him look tanner. The skin texture I'm using on him isn't any darker then his normal skin it just adds some freckles and makes him look older. He's not a spring chicken anymore. The man has been through some s#*! that would age anyone in the past 2 games and is in his 30s now.
    2. Kuschel-Drow
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      He's just 30... 33 in Trespasser if I'm not mistaken... That's not too old, but yeah I agree with the serious s*** he's been through, plus the Lyrium-withdrawal.
      I use a slightly tanned skin on my Cullen, but I'm not using any reshade, so it just looks healthier... ^^
    3. Amanda90XD
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      I always imagined him the same age as Alistair and Alistair was 20 during beginning of the Fifth Blight, 21 by the end of it so I always imagined Cullen 31 by Inquisition since it's been 10 years since the end of the Fifth Blight. I just like my Cullen looking a bit more rugged and curly. I assume he's the same age as Alistair since Alistair was recruited into the Grey Warden right before he took his Templar vows and Cullen at the beginning of Origins was a brand new Templar who had just taken his vows.
    4. Kuschel-Drow
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      We might be argueing about a few months there. ^^ Cullen was born in 9:31, DA:I starts 9:41 so well roughly 30 years.
      Well he looks smexy on the pics so not bad at all. He just looks as if he took a long holiday. (He could use it anyway )
    5. Amanda90XD
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      Like I said it's what I imagined. I never cared enough about his character to check for sure. Alistair was at least a Gray Warden for a least 6 months before the 5th Blight so the math works.

      Honestly I'd probably leave Cullen in the fade over Alistair, Stroud, or Hawke that's how much the poor man has made me care about him.
    6. Kuschel-Drow
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      Even over Stroud?! Damn I'd kill you! xD
      I'm just glad I didn't have to decide between Hawke and Alistair, since he's King of Ferelden in my game.

      I guess you'd have enjoyed the scene during the initial quest if you turn towards the templars for help, where Cullen gets killed... :S (Honestly the quest itself is so much better than the hushed whispers thingy for the mages. I still can't stand Templars though...)
    7. Amanda90XD
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      I don't hate Cullen. I don't wish him dead. I just simply don't care about him. I think I would of liked him better if they didn't add him as a love interest at the last moment. It's like, "Oh s#*! we forgot to add a cute blonde guy! Oh just make Cullen hotter and shoe horn him in as a LI!" Cullen just isn't my cup of tea. His personality doesn't appeal to me. Basically the only thing I see appealing about him is that fact he's the dream boat cute guy option. Also the 360 in his character from DA2 and DA:I also really irks me.
    8. Kuschel-Drow
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      Well since I played the games in the opposite order than you usually would (just because I really found out that I like tham very late!) I didn't have that big of a problem with all of that. I didn't even know that they just put him in last minute.
      Well maybe it's just my weak spot for noble knights in high ranks (or commanders xD) at this point. I don't care.
      But yeah I'd have gotten Anders a cute lil' kitten without asking it it were only possible in DA:I. xD
    9. Amanda90XD
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      Yeah they took an extra year in the development of DA:I and in that extra year they decided to add Cullen as a LI and make The Iron Bull romanceable by all races instead of just Qunari. Cullen was just added because they could. The Iron Bull's romance they changed because originally because of the height differences they couldn't figure out how to get the other romances to work but they figured out how to make it work before release.
    10. Kuschel-Drow
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      I'm just glad they did. I totally fell in love with him when Haven got attacked, and it went even worse when I heard him singing.
      I can't help it, I just love his voice. You should hear the German one in comparism. It sounds so strange... O.o
      As if he had a stick in his... well you know where... *coughes*
    11. Amanda90XD
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      I was shocked when everyone started singing. I mean I expected something of the sort from Leliana but only s#*! when everyone started singing I felt super duper uncomfortable. I was like, "Holy s#*! I really did die in Haven and hell is a Disney movie!"
    12. Kuschel-Drow
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      Ahahahaha... I actually liked it. It gave me goosebumps. (Not because it was that bad or Disney-like, it just felt kinda right)
      I mean it's not as if they were singing beauty and the beast, but some sort of chantry song. Although I'm anything but religious, I can still see why in a world that so f*cked up like Thedas is in most places religion or the chantry itself is such an important institution.
      I mean people do not have much left but their faith to gain hope. They rely on heroes and their parties to clean up the mess around them, people who sacrifice themselves for others. If they lose their faith as well, what else would keep them going?
      So I saw their singing as a reminder that they're all in the same boat and would have to stand together instead of argueing, and some kind of trying to endure what just happened, to share their strength with one another, showing them that they're not alone.
      I found it rather touching.
    13. Amanda90XD
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      Well there first time I got to that scene I was a Qunari who I was playing as a total non believer. So when Mother Giselle started to sing a chantry song at me and everyone join in I just kind of felt like that poor Qunari caught up in this dumb human religion dispute she never asked to be apart of. Just felt like Mother Giselle was saying, "I don't care what you want or believe I'm forcing you into this really manipulatively so you can't refuse." And that's basically what she did since you find out later she did make the push for you to be Inquisitor. I guess that tainted the song for me. Since I always viewed it as a power play by mother Giselle. I was actually really thankful to Solas at the time for pulling you away from it and then not singing at me.
    14. Kuschel-Drow
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      Well I usually play Dalish-elves who do not share interest in the whole Maker stuff as well. Still, the majority of people there, and those who will follow you are humans who do, so I thought it was justified. I rather feel like Mother Giselle tried to make you be accepted by the majority of people, even though you're diffferent to them. So I think she had good intentions here.
      I do not approve of all the religious stuff as well, and most of the time I keep telling everyone: I'm not the Herald of Andraste, I am not your savior, I am a Dalish who doesn't even believe in all your chantry stuff... Well it's not like they'd care anyway.
      But despite that, I do agree that there needs to be a new divine, and that the chantry needs to be reformed and rebuilt. For the people, not for my character. He couldn't care less, but since he's the one to make decisions, and since people are looking up to him, he has to do what's best for them. ^^"
    15. Amanda90XD
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      I just felt like Mother Giselle was thinking she was doing what was best but it still kind of irked me. She kind of pissed me off from the beginning and then her treatment of Dorian kind of hammered the last nail into the coffin. Nobody fucks with my boy Dorian.
    16. Kuschel-Drow
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      Ahahahaha... Yeah, I was like: God damn it Giselle, STFU and F*ck off already, when she went all about Dorian because oh my, the evil Tevinter 'Magister' seduced the pure and innocent Inquisitor (who actually is a very unpure and not so hesitant assassin o.o)
      I would have done worse things than kissing in front of her if that made her shut up and leave anyway...
      (Well hoping it would work... not like poor Bull, who had to wait for a word from the Inquisitor until everyone left xD)
    17. Amanda90XD
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      I don't think poor Bull. That's just the kind of man he is. He's isn't gonna throw himself or assert his dominance or claim over the Inquisitor until he knows that's what the Inquisitor wants. Dorian is more about passion and Bull is more about respect. Nothing wrong with Dorian's methods I love the guy but I like Bull's approach to romance more. I'm one of those people that when people start showing me affection too suddenly I retreat away and it scares the crap out of me. So I really appreciated the way Bull handles his romance. I know it's fantasy and when else can ya enjoy the passion of a relationship you wouldn't otherwise have but I liked that Bull was the way he is. For once I have a character in a Dragon Age game who after the game I don't think grew bitter about their relationship.

      I like to think and write out what's going on with my Warden and Hawke. And my personal head canons don't paint their relationship as perfect or pretty. My Warden lives with the regret of letting Anora pissed her off to the point she put Alistair and herself on the throne. She regrets making Alistair perform the dark ritual with Morrigan because she was selfish and wanted them both to live. She believes everything would of been better if she died killing the Arch Demon like she was supposed too. She left to go find the cure for the Grey Wardens after her and Alistair had a fight because once again she tried to get him to sleep with another women because she couldn't produce an heir. My Hawke to be fair was a mess long before the end of DA2. Basically once they got to Kirkwall she was constantly drunk to deal with the loss of her sister. Buzzed or drunk was the only way she could get herself to laugh or smile. My head canon for her is she kept Anders after all he did because she was already pregnant by the final battle of Act 3 and she was too stubborn to loose anymore of her family, because all her dumb ass friends with their imperfections had became her new family she had to protect after she failed to protect all of her real family.
    18. Kuschel-Drow
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      I really like Dorian, his attitude, the way he is. He's so nice to have around. But honestly? I see no future in that relationship, which is a little sad. Even if he wouldn't care about his line after his father's death, the rest of Tevinter certainly would... ^^" And again, if you're an elf, Tevinter would be the last place you'd like to go after you're done with the Inquisition. (Unless you'd love to play his personal slave maybe *coughes*)
      That's just another point for Cullen. Wherever the wind may take them, they could face it together after all...
      I do have a roleplay going on with a friend. You know, written stuff, that is already filling a huge file by now. We have all the characters in there, but mainly Cullen, Dorian, Anders and Fenris, and 4 OC's, including the Inquisitor. Two Dalish elves, one of which is the Inquisitor, another Vint and an elf from Tevinter, another former slave and by now Fenris' best friend. Hawke (who's been together with Fenris) died in the fade in our universe. (Well sadly) and we're having stuff going on in Tevinter as well as in Skyhold and Ferelden.
      And we're just preparing for another mission.
    19. Amanda90XD
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      Well technically Cullen's relationship only really goes places if you're a female human or female elf. No dudes and no really tall or really short chicks. I mean you can mod the gay into him or use mods to romance him as a dwarf or qunari but it's won't get carried over into DA4 since Cullen is straight. A friend of mine and I did a RP when her Inquisitor and Cullen settled down and had son who was basically the Anti-Cullen. He was bisexual and really flirtatious. Real lady killer. We basically just did an RP with the next generation of everyone's kids. Cullen's son became a bard to his father's horror. He quickly became one of my favorite OCs from that RP.
    20. Kuschel-Drow
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      I can't imagine Cullen with either a dwarf or a Qunari, really... xD Male or female alike. That'd just be sooo strange.
      I can imagine him with a guy though. It's not that he ever had much experience at all or really thought about it so well, he might find himself be attracted to a guy imho.
      Ofc it won't be carried over into DA4, but hat's what I have my main game with Dorian for. I didn't even know there was a mod for Cullen when I started... And well, should Dorian show up in DA4 I bet he won't be a romance option anyway. (especially if he's still in a relationship with the former Inquisitor - well IF) and somehow I doubt that Cullen would show up at all. I could see him settle down as well. Buuut we'll never know untill the game's out.

      We do have Cullen's little nephew in our story. To his horror he proved to be a mage... So they took him with them to Skyhold to get him the education and stuff he needs. Dorian came up with the idea to send him to Anders as soon as he's far enough to make him a healer. (He's one of my friend's characters). I bet you could imagine Cullen's face after that. xD
    21. Amanda90XD
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      In our RP Cullen's son was best friends with Lady Warden Cousland and Nathaniel Howe's son and when they got of age they ran off to Orlais so Nathaniel's son could join the Wardens without his parents getting in the way. Cullen's son didn't want to be a Warden but he started crashing Orlesian parties so he could flirt with them fine Orlesian hunnies. He kept crashing parties and just kind of became a Bard while doing it. He later got training from Leliana to be one of her spies and a better Bard. He has a lovely singing voice like his father.
    22. Kuschel-Drow
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      Oh well, I can see poor Cullen grow grey hair over his son's lifestyle... xD
      At least he's not a mage, that'd probably have been even worse.
    23. Amanda90XD
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      Honestly poor Cullen probably would of been able to handle a mage son better then a playboy bard. At least with handling mages he has training for that.
    24. Kuschel-Drow
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      I wonder where he learned all of that. Can't be from his father... xD I bet he wouldn't even be able to give him "THE TALK" at the appropriate age without stammering.

      Anyway, our Cullen is down to resignation if it comes to mages anyway. He's constantly been telling Dorian how annoying he is, and still does, although it lost its meaning long ago. The only one who really bothers him still is Anders. He's already been dragged to court when Fenris uncovered him (looong story) soon after Hawke's death, and now he has to help the Inquisition as a healer.
      And well, Cullen is just about to be sent on a mission with Dorian, Fenris AND Anders around. Just because a certain someone has something better to do,And guess what? It's about mages again!
      Anders is happy, Fenris is not, Dorian is just curious, and Cullen suspects nothing less than Anders trying to get away like he usually does. (Well he doesn't know that Anders doesn't have any intention to do that for a reason )
      And Varric is always busy sticking his nose into everything, trying to find out what's happening for his writing and teasing Cassandra whenever he can.
    25. Amanda90XD
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      Cullen's son takes after his mother and his daughter takes after him. She freezes up and stammers around boys she likes. They're birds and the bees talk was great. Once Cullen noticed how popular his son was with the town's young ladies he sat him down and attempted to give him "the talk" but got no where fast. Varian (They name we gave Cullen's son) ended up stopping his dad and was all like, "Okay dad, how about I just tell you everything I know and you can just fill in the blanks from there. Or ask questions if you're so inclined." The conversation ended there with a poor embarrassed papa Cullen. Varian would constantly sneak out and get into trouble. Kept poor Cullen busy. Cullen trained his Mabari to bark at Varian whenever he tried to sneak back into the house. Cullen also took up gardening at his wife's suggestion as a relaxing hobby and planted Ferelden roses outside his son's bedroom windows so he couldn't sneak out as easy. A lot of their relationship was Varian getting into trouble and Cullen finding some kind of punishment for him. It was usually manual labor or training. Stuff like like chopping wood, sit ups and push ups, and sword training. You can take the Commander out of command but not the command out of the Commander. He spent a lot of time teaching his son to be a sword and shield warrior like him only for Varian to prefer bows and short swords and became a rogue like his mother. Poor Cullen was all upset when his boy ran off to Orlais. He thought that maybe he was too hard on him and he ran away because he resented him. But nope Varian held nothing against his dad. He usually deserved whatever punishment he got and he knew it. He just wanted to go on an adventure with his best friend and see new places.
    26. Kuschel-Drow
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      Awww... poor Cullen!
      Well if he was a father, I imagine him to be loving and caring, but strict with training and such. And fair if it comes to stuff that would demand punishment.
      And I'm sure he didn't plan to raise a son like Varian... I mean everyone has their own head in the end, but so much trouble... As long as the world is stable enough to be able to effort such a wild youth... ^^
      I can sooo imagine cullen's face after trying to give his son 'the talk', which I imagine is hard enough for parents, for Cullen especially, and it all ending up like it did...

      I imagine the whole roleplay to be damn fin though. ^^
    27. Amanda90XD
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      Cullen was a great dad in our RP. If someone were to ask Varian if he thought his dad was a good father he's answer yes. Varian and Cullen just don't have anything in common. Cullen spends a lot of time after Varian left worrying his son hates him and that he's a bad father. When Varian turns up back home years later his little sister Catherine (Who is basically girl Cullen) punches him in the face for making their dad worry. (She's also a total daddy's girl and was the kid who ended up being a sword and shield warrior.) Varian just likes to mess with his father much like his mother does. They have a real touching father son moment when Varian legit falls for a girl but she doesn't fall for his charms. There's always that one girl who sees through a playboy's pick up lines. He actually goes to his dad for advice then. He figures if a hopeless guy like his father can snag a stand up woman like his mother, there must be something his dad knows he doesn't in wooing women.
    28. Kuschel-Drow
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      Awww... Poor, poor Cullen... ^^"
      Well at least his daughter is much like him, so he should actually know that he can't be too bad of a father...
      Did he even know whatto tell his son about how he got his wife?

      In our RP, our team just made the last preparations for their mission, having Bull and his party as a backup if they should need them. Poor Anders had to give his new cat to a friend to care for her as long as he's off again, right now he's fighting with Fenris for 'practice' while Cullen and Dorian went to the mage's tower to say goodbye to Cullen's nephew for at least some time. (Dorian really likes to make Cullen blush btw... xD)
      They'll all pretty soon face pure madness... (Yes I am totally evil, and I have it all planned out!)
    29. Amanda90XD
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      Yeah poor Cullen. His wife the whole time was telling him his son doesn't hate him. He's gotta let the baby birds leave the nest, Varian's gotta be his own man. Cullen in our RP is a strict father but also a little over protective. Cullen's daughter is great. She's bad ass warrior but completely girly. And she has fluffy blonde hair. Like hair everywhere. She has a crush on Varian's best friend.

      Cullen basically just told Varian to be more sincere. The girl he liked was the Princess of Ferelden, Alistair and the Warden's daughter. She was a mage and basically thought Varian was an irredeemable playboy. His biggest problem with her was she didn't believe him when he said he was serious about her. Years of seducing women and breaking hearts caught up with him.

      Not his cat again! Poor Anders. What's it's name?

      The last place we were at in our's Hawke and Ander's son, Bull and my Qunari Inquisitor's son, The before mentioned Princess of Ferelden, Varian's best friend who became a Warden I mentioned before, an OC 1st Enchanter of The Circle of Minrathous, and an OC slave elf girl were in Minrathous searching for agents of Fen'Harel. Our RP basically revolves around the next generation going on a god hunt. Varian is in Seheron with Hawke's daughter and some others.
    30. Kuschel-Drow
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      we're still somewhee in the middle of the whole corypheus thing, but more or less in an alternat universe with a lot of other stuff going on as well. They've been to Minrathous too, visitting Dorians Father, and taking a Vint and his elf back with them. He used to be a slave before, but hadn't been one anymore for quite some time, although he had to pretend to be one as long as they were in Tevinter, just to be save. So they basically took the chance and got away. (Not that the Vint's parents approved... xD)

      The cat's name is Halani (elven for help) Fenris actually named it. He just rescued her and her brother (which he called Revas (freedom) and brought Halani to Anders while he kept her borther, because he thought he needed something to take care of and something to do after Hawke died. And since he knew that Anders was all about kittens anyway...

      But they're still kittens so they can't take them along anyway, so someone has to look after them for as long as they're gone.
    31. Amanda90XD
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      Haha that's cute. In ours Hawke and Ander's son has a fluffy black cat named Dutchess Mirabelle that goes everywhere with him and basically just sits on his shoulders like a shawl most the time.
    32. Kuschel-Drow
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      Halani is all white with blue eyes, while Revas is black with a little white and green eyes. Anders once told Fenris that his cat matches him so damn well. xD
      Once they're old enough Anders will take his cat along again anyway. But there's no way he'd take a tabby little kitten somewhere he doesn't even know what happens. :O
  2. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    Good to see you again, and very nice set Great looking character in the main image, Amanda
    1. Amanda90XD
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      Thanks, I get easily distracted by stuff. Yeah not many great places to get good pictures of The Inquisitor between The Hinterlands and Val Royeaux. The camera likes to pan more on Cassandra and the Advisors during those few cut scenes and I'm too lazy play with Cinematic Tools. I figure it would just girl my game since I'm already pushing it to the limit to run DA:I. That main Image is an older one from earlier in the game because I didn't have any good one of Diva in this set.
  3. Hayllee
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    I love Diva's journal entry, and your screenshots are great! I love the quote, too. It took me a second to realize that her "shitty hand" is quite literal.
    1. Amanda90XD
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      Thanks. I had a lot of fun writing it. I've had the idea for the quote for a long time now. I'm glad I finally got to use it.
  4. DarKGameR177
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    • 11 kudos
    Thanks for sharing these!