Dragon Age 2
Sam 10 Healing You

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“As long as you see this myrtle green, know that I am green as a leek ; if you see it wither, think that my fortunes are not the best in the world ; but if it becomes quite dried up, you may say a requiem for your Canneloro.”
Giambattista Basile, The Pentamerone: The Story of Stories, The Enchanted Doe.

Overwatch Song — Healing You:

“And let them check the stove’s long tongues of fire:
For if I see one tenant of the hearth,
I’ll thrust within one curling torrent flame,
And bring that roof in ashes to the ground :
But now not yet is sung my noble lay.”
Aeschylus, Fragment of his lost Orithyia.

Bahlzack — Absynth & Cocaine:

“Socrates: If I disbelieved, as the wise men do, I should not be extraordinary; then I might give a rational explanation, that a blast of Boreas, the north wind, pushed her off the neighboring rocks as she was playing with Pharmacea, and that when she had died in this manner she was said to have been carried off by Boreas.”
Plato, Phaedrus, 229c [Orithyia’s death].

Merrill may setup in Kirkwall alienage as the prosperous lyrium smuggler.
A friendship is quite appropriate to preclude rebellious & vengeful spirit.
Isabela held to Samantha promise of a child out of the best bottled seed.

Roxette — She’s got the look:

“Mercutio: The slip, sir, the slip, can you not conceive?
Romeo: Pardon, good Mercutio, my business was great, and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy.
Mercutio: That’s as much as to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams.
Romeo: Meaning to cur’sy.
Mercutio: Thou hast most kindly hit it.
Romeo: A most courteous exposition.
Mercutio: Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.
Romeo: Pink for flower.
Mercutio: Right.
Romeo: Why then is my pump well flower’d.
Mercutio: Sure wit! Follow me this jest now, till thou hast worn out thy pump, that when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain, after the wearing, solely singular.
Romeo: O single-sol’d jest, solely singular for the singleness!”
William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet, Act II, Scene 4.

Pink of courtesy: if Isabela was the hammer, Samantha would be nailed.  
Clove gillyflower, Clove pink (Bot.), any fragrant self-colored carnation. 
A clove is so called from resemblance to a nail: unexpanded flower bud.

Morgan James [Peter Gabriel] — Sledgehammer:

“If you could’ve found out what Rosebud meant, I bet that would’ve explained everything.”
Citizen Kane (1941), Director: Orson Welles.

Even after death, the Arishok piling up on Isabela raises her to a sledgehammer.
Apart from old woman, Flemeth exacerbates Greed [fly] & Vengeance [whisper].
Hidden strength of Star son waxes & of course he shall first go home to Tevinter.

Creedence Clearwater Revival — Green River:

“Dionysus’s rescue of Semele, renamed Thyone (‘raging queen’), has been deduced from pictures of a ceremonial held at Athens on the dancing floor dedicated to the Wild Women. There to the sound of singing, piping, and dancing, and with the scattering of flower petals from baskets, a priest summoned Semele to emerge from an omphalos, or artificial mound, and come attended by ‘the spirit of Spring’, the young Dionysus (Pindar: Fragment 75. 3). At Delphi a similar ascension ceremony conducted wholly by women was called the Herois, or ‘feast of the heroine’ (Plutarch: Greek Questions 12; Aristophanes: Frogs 373–96, with scholiast). Still another may be presumed in Artemis’s temple at Troezen.... 
Semele was, in fact, another name for Core, or Persephone, and the ascension scene is painted on many Greek vases, some of which show Satyrs assisting the heroine’s emergence with mattocks; their presence indicates that this was a Pelasgian rite. What they disinterred was probably a corn-doll buried after the harvest and now found to be sprouting green. Core, of course, did not ascend to Heaven; she wandered about on earth with Demeter until the time came for her to return to the Underworld. But soon after the award of Olympic status to Dionysus the Assumption of his virgin-mother became dogmatic and, once a goddess, she was differentiated from Core, who continued heroine-like to ascend and descend.”
Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, Vol. One, Chapter 27 Dionysus’s Nature and Deeds, 11.