Dragon Age 2
Io 04 Harmony

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“Men do not understand how that which is torn in different directions comes into accord with itself—harmony in contrariety, as in the case of the bow and the lyre.”
Heraclitus, Fragment 51, trans. Charles M. Bakewell.
Fenris to Io: “Time to die, little man.”
Rick James — Super Freak:
“A purblind fool, man sells himself to man in slavery
Yielding his inner wealth as tribute to His Majesty,
This man in bestial servitude is baser than a dog. 
I’ve yet to see the dog that serves a dog like royalty.”
Muhammad Iqbal, Slavery, Persian poem.
Sheena Easton — For Your Eyes Only:
“Human truth is what man puts together and makes in the act of knowing it.”
Vico, On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians.
“Then back it comes, what in the stars was written;
Law and circumstance; each will is tried,
All willing simply forced, by obligation:
In face of it, the free will’s tongue is tied.”
[“Da ist’s denn wieder, wie die Sterne wollten: Bedingungund Gesetz; und aller Wille
Ist nur ein Wollen, weil wir eben sollten, Und vor dem Willen schweigt die Willkür stille;”]
J.W. Goethe, Urworte. Orphisch (Primal Words. Orphic): [Ananke] Nötigung (Necessity).
“Man is no longer considered as a simple substance which exists in itself and is to be known by itself. His unity is conceived as a functional unity. Such a unity does not presuppose a homogeneity of the various elements of which it consists. Not merely does it admit of, it even requires, a multiplicity and multiformity of its constituent parts. For this is a dialectic unity, a coexistence of contraries.”
Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on Man, Doubleday, 1944, p. 279.
Kelder was brought back to Kirkwall justice, forestalling Aveline’s trap.
Anders met Tevinter Petrice & bought his Tevinter slave establishment.
Feynriel is brought back, kicking and screaming to the circle of mages.
Grace & blood mages rejoin circle. Io raises templar Wesley suspicions.
Foes now pause & assault Bethany & Leandra to expel Flemeth’s spirit.
Unlike them, Io sustained display of coy, fastidious & shy­ deportments.