Alien Isolation

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  • May 13: Interpolation obstacle remains unresolved

    Update 13 May:

    Despite interpolating the cutscenes to run at 60fps, the game engine appears to be limiting playback to 30 fps (or thereabouts). It isn't consistent, some cutscene parts do appear to run better, however fps counters do not show accurately and forcing game framerate with riva has not resolved it.

    After several months trying to find workaround and experimenting with different encoding parameters I still have not found a solution for this so i have removed mention of this mod being interpolated to 60 fps.

  • Update v3.2 - Subtitles and additional languages restored

    April 2024
    v3.2: All languages and subtitles restored for x264
    The x264 version now has all the additional language and subtitle tracks available, to match the regular MPEG1 compatibility version. 

    Subtitles in v3.1
    Hi everyone,

    Todays update restores subtitles for both the x264 and regular (MPEG1) versions, and both have been updated to v3.1 for consistency.

    The regular (MPEG1) version subtitles have been manually restored:

    and Russian.

    The x264 version is english only, as adding more than one audio track is still causing cutscenes to freeze on the final frames....

  • V3: x264 and patch beta now available

    V3 Brings the beta versions of the x264 version, and the patch.

    The Patch replaces the need to edit hex values in the game .exe, increases the game memory pool size to accomodate 4K videos and also enables x264 encoded cutscene playback. You will need an unmodified version of the game exe to use the patch and x264 version.

    The x264 version improves the quality even further, and the introduction scene has additional lighting and colour banding smoothed. There are some potential issues and considerations, including:

    Cutscene_17 with the video monitor medical report now 60fps instead of 30fps
    English only
    Potential performance playback inconsistency

    All cutscenes have been tested with the patch in windows 11. Use the r...

  • 4K Version now available


    Hi everyone, the wait is over for the 4K 60fps remaster.

    Thanks to Emoose for investigating a solution enabling 4K playback! Additional instructions are on the main page.

    This version has had some additional changes:

    An additional interpolation pass and frame by frame comparison was done for each scene to preserve as much detail as possible, replacing hundreds of over-blurred transition frames 
    Other problematic frames have replaced where characters were incorrectly lit, or had incorrect textures (such as the injured Axyl model appearing in several shots)

    I'm very happy with how this has turned out. Let me know what you think on the comments page, and spread the word. I hope you enjoy it. 


  • Professional Journal of the United States Army

    lame-Throwing Tanks: Flame-throwing tanks, using a unique 'stem of ejecting ... The picture below, from a night photograph, shows the terrific “flamepower” of ......